Anyone can work for peace

The Twelve Blessings can help all sorts of people who are helping the world in various different ways. Master of Yoga Dr. George King said the following in a lecture in 1983: "So, 'The First Blessing' is ‘Blessed Are They Who Work For Peace’. Not the peace lovers: two...

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A New Year – a wonderful opportunity

In a New Year's address from 1966, Dr. George King said: "What the higher intelligences have in store for us this year, I do not know, but whatever it is, it will be opportunity – magnificent, superb, wonderful – and it will give us a chance to make our strides...

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Celebrating Christmas

While not his true birthday, Christmas is nevertheless a wonderful time to honor the Master Jesus. One of the best ways to do this is to practice The Twelve Blessings – and of course the Last Blessing, to Jesus himself.  "When you give your love to a Great Master,...

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A very important duty

In an address, while talking about participating in a Twelve Blessings group, Dr. George King said: "Dynamic prayer is to feel the Blessing when you read it, if you read it, and try to feel it with your heart; not so much with your mind. You cannot feel it unless you...

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The solution to all problems

“There is not a problem upon your world that cannot be solved by love itself in its purity.”    - The Master Jesus In an explanation of this sentence, Dr. George King said: “That sentence suggests something which to some people is very easy, but to the majority of...

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Be like the great ones

In the Twelfth Blessing, to The Absolute, the Master Jesus says: “For verily, do I say unto you, that the greatest one in these days is he who sacrifices himself—his bliss and the whole of his energy—for the benefit of his brother.” The greatest action we can perform...

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You will be helped and guided

In the First Blessing, to they who work for peace, The Master Jesus says: “Oh workers, who in unselfish sacrifice, share the burden with your brothers, I say unto you, that even though the way be rough and long and dark, you will be helped and guided in your passage,...

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The essence of The Twelve Blessings

How do The Twelve Blessings work as a practice? In a lecture on the Ninth Blessing, Dr. George King explains: “You see, when you send out a power and a love to the Lords of Karma you don't need to visualize it going to the Lords of Karma because you can't. Just make...

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You will be rewarded

Just prior to giving the Tenth Blessing, to the Galaxy, the Master Jesus said: “Oh sweet ones, I take each and every one of you to My Heart, for you come in belief, in knowledge of the existence of Wondrous God. You will be rewarded for your journey." In accordance...

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Shine among men

After he gave the Eleventh Blessing, The Master Jesus tells us what happens when we send out our love to The Supreme Lords of Creation: “Oh My sweet adorable children, send your Love to These Great and Mighty Ones, so that it may be returned to you by the Great Law....

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Walking forward to our salvation

After the Second Blessing, to the Wise Ones, the Master Jesus tells us to walk forward to our salvation. He then gives us this promise:  "Adorable ones, little children, I am here with you. I will lead you into this state, if you will but hold out your hand to me."...

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Our highest intuition

In an address entitled 'The Responsibility of Receiving Great Wisdom', Dr. George King talks about our highest intuition: "The highest intuition tells us that we have a job to do; tells us that that job is intimately connected with our next-door neighbor. The highest...

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A very, very important spiritual project

We all face setbacks on our spiritual journey and need some encouragement from time to time. In an address from 1964, Dr. George King said: "[Man's] journey from ignorance into wisdom is a very, very important spiritual project. Not only important to the individual,...

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Experience Nature Spirits – the Devic Kingdom

The Fifth Blessing, to the Thanksgivers, was given on August 24, 1958. In a lecture on this Blessing, Dr. George King gave advice on how to see the Devic Kingdom.  "If anybody ever does want to see fairies, and so on, I can give you a tip. Very seldom I give any tips...

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Reach towards the Cosmic Masters

Let's think about the tremendous positive possibilities we create when we work together to cooperate more closely with the Cosmic Masters: "Somebody said to me the other day, he said, 'Well, there’s an awful lot of work to do in this world, but isn't it an exciting...

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You are thrice blessed

The Second Blessing, to the Wise Ones, was given by the Master Jesus through the mediumship of Dr. George King on August 3, 1958.  In his lecture on this Blessing, Dr. King says: "When you begin to perform The Twelve are a cell in the great whole. And...

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You can do an awful lot

The First Blessing was given by the Master Jesus through the mediumship of Dr. George King on July 27, 1958. In his lecture on the First Blessing, Dr. King said: Don’t underestimate your own power... Don't over-estimate it, but don’t underestimate it. Don't say: ”I'm...

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A directive from the Master Jesus

There are countless problems in the world today and it can sometimes feel like we are not able to help people because we are so far away.  But despite distance, we can and should help. The Master Jesus gave us the following directive in The Twelve Blessings: "Oh...

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The answer to all world problems

In a Transmission from 1958 The Master Jesus said: "Oh adorable children, let your love shine forth before you throughout your Earth, so that you might raise those who so badly need this.  "There is not a problem upon your world that cannot be solved by love, itself,...

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Using energy wisely

The Twelve Blessings is an excellent practice that we can use to send out energy and help the world. It is also our duty to help others as much as we can.  In his booklet A Cosmic Message of Divine Opportunity, Dr. George King says: "It is a certain fact that all...

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Believe in yourself

When we believe in ourselves, amazing things can happen. In an address from 1985, Dr. George King said: "So the lesson here this morning is to believe in yourself. To believe in yourself so much that you begin to manifest your hidden powers, and your hidden talents....

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Benefits of The Twelve Blessings

In an address from 1972, Dr. George King said the following about The Twelve Blessings: "... this one set of practices alone, is one of the most potent ways in which a member can develop themselves; develop their appreciation, heighten their awareness, and have a...

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How can we bless The Absolute

In his lecture series on The Twelve Blessings, Dr. George King explains how we are able to bless the Absolute: "Some people have asked me how can it be that Jesus, a lesser being, can send power and blessing… bless a greater thing, which is the God. "Oh, of course,...

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An essential part of our daily lives

In the Eleventh Blessing, to the Supreme Lords of Creation, the Master Jesus says: “There are no thoughts in any mind-belt, which could possibly do half-justice to the wondrous power of these ones.” Dr. George King elaborated on what Jesus meant in a lecture in 1959:...

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The Galaxy – a Lord of Creation

We are not able to fully understand or appreciate the Galaxy as a living entity. But everything we can learn about this great being, can help us understand more.  In a lecture from 1959, Dr. George King says that the Galaxy is in fact a Lord of Creation and suffering...

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Help the Supreme Lords of Karma

In the epilogue of the Ninth Blessing, to the Supreme Lords of Karma, the Master Jesus tells us not to let a moon or a sun set without helping these ones constructively. He then tells us how we can do so: "Be good, be tolerant, be kind, be merciful, be gentle, be...

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The true birthday of the Master Jesus

On March 15, we celebrate the true birth date of the Master Jesus.  His Mission to Earth is frequently misunderstood. In an address from 1964 entitled 'What were the Occult Secrets of Jesus' Dr. George King said: "This intelligence took upon himself the limitation of...

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The debt we owe to the Sun

There are many beings who have, over the course of history, sacrificed a lot so that we can have the opportunities that we have now. Beings like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna have come to Earth to help us. The Earth herself sacrifices too so that we are able to evolve on her...

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Thank the Mother Earth for her sacrifice

In a lecture from 1959 on the Seventh Blessing, to the Mother Earth, Dr. George King explains that this planet is holding back her own evolution so that we can use her body as our classroom of experience.  He reminds us that not only should we be grateful for what she...

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Being grateful for our lessons

On February 21, 1959, Dr. George King gave a lecture on The Sixth Blessing.  In this lecture he highlighted the importance of treating everything that happens in our lives, good and bad, as a lesson.  If we are grateful to God for our lessons and learn them as best as...

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Become a Thanksgiver

In a lecture on the Fifth Blessing, to the Thanksgivers, Dr. George King explains what the Master Jesus means when he says that the Thanksgivers: "turn great tides of energy and direct these towards their objectives." Dr. King says that the people this Blessing is...

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Who are the Planetary Ones?

The Fourth Blessing is to the “Planetary Ones” - beings from other planets who have been born on Earth in a terrestrial body. This brief extract from Dr. George King reveals why they did this: "Some of them have even accepted the limitation of an Earth body so that...

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A thousand ways to serve

Practicing The Twelve Blessings is a very potent and powerful way to send love and healing to our world. But there are many other ways that we can do this.  In a lecture on the Third Blessing, to those who love, Dr. George King said: "They’re pouring out their love in...

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An effect of becoming wiser

In a lecture given in 1961, Dr. George King said: "As you are related to all people upon Earth, everything that you do affects all people upon Earth. And as you affect all people upon Earth, in one way or the other, for good or bad—I mean, you affect all people upon...

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Sacrificing peace

Some spiritual aspirants choose to retreat from the troubles of the world. They go into the wilderness of the forests or enter mountain ashrams, so that they can go within and focus on their own spiritual enlightenment. This may have been a good idea hundreds of years...

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Celebrate the Master Jesus

"Even those people who do not refer to themselves as Christians have been influenced by the teachings of the Cosmic Master we call Jesus. So practical was this teaching, so great was this teaching, so workable was this teaching, that there is not a man, a woman, a...

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We can help heal the world

In the introduction to 'Become A Builder of the New Age', Dr. George King says the following: "Humanity is as a hungry, lost, orphaned child. It needs help, guidance, healing, power and spiritual comfort. Whatever organization you belong to should be able to instruct...

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Prayer can help you feel happy

In an address on Spiritual Happiness, Dr. George King talks about how prayer can help us feel happy and satisfied: "If you are taught to do a spiritual exercise correctly, no matter what it might be—prayer for instance—and you do it correctly, with a faith in the...

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Being thankful for the Cosmic Masters

Today in America we are celebrating Thanksgiving. It's a time of coming together for friends and families, and a time of feeling thanks for all that we have. In 1964, Dr. George King shared a unique perspective on Thanksgiving. He spoke about how we should be thankful...

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You can help the Cosmic Plan

There is a Cosmic Plan for the enlightenment of mankind. Dr. George King reminded us in 1959 that we all have the opportunity to cooperate with this great plan: "There are numerous sources of power and energy offered to all mankind in these days. There is not a man,...

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An advanced teaching and practice

Shortly after The Twelve Blessings were given to the world by the Master Jesus, Dr. George King compared this practice with the Sermon on the Mount.  "... the teachings, although just as simple as the teachings given during the Sermon on the Mount, are far, far more...

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A potent time to help the world

Satellite Number 3 comes back into orbit on November 4 at midnight GMT. The presence of this craft will karmically enhance all of our spiritual actions by 3,000 times.  Master of Yoga Dr. George King talked about what this means for us in an address from 1962: "This...

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Dynamic prayer produces great results

Last week we read a quote where Dr. George King was explaining the difference between saying an ordinary prayer and a dynamic one. This week the quote is from the same booklet The Truth About Dynamic Prayer and Dr. King explains the reason that dynamic prayer is more...

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Ordinary prayer versus dynamic prayer

In the booklet 'The Truth About Dynamic Prayer' Dr. George King explains the difference between saying a prayer in an ordinary way versus a dynamic way: "The main difference between prayer—shall we call it ordinary prayer, and shall we call it dynamic prayer—is the...

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What you send out, you get back

In a lecture on the Eleventh Blessing, to the Supreme Lords of Creation, Master of Yoga Dr. George King says: "When you send out an energy—no matter how feeble that energy is—to any great and elevated source, by the same law must an energy be returned to you from that...

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The sacrifice the Galaxy makes for us

On September 28, 1958, the Master Jesus spoke through Master of Yoga Dr. George King and gave the Tenth Blessing, to the Galaxy.  It can be difficult to understand the kind of sacrifice the Galaxy makes for all of us who live within it. But Dr. King had the following...

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The result of our prayers

Although we don't always get to see the exact results of our prayers, we are definitely helping the world in a very potent way, if we are praying well enough, long enough and often enough. This is especially true now, as Satellite Number 3 is in orbit.  Dr. George...

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A Master’s story on WWII and peace

Master of Yoga Dr. George King was in the fire service in London during WWII. This experience greatly affected him and in 1960 he spoke about seeing people clearing up rubble after some bombings. He said it was happening all over the country at the time. "This is the...

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You are more powerful than you realize

In the introduction of the Fourth Blessing, to the Planetary Ones, Saint Goo-Ling tells us that we are more powerful than we realize: "We do not expect the ordinary man to be able to perform feats which are the capabilities of the extraordinary man but we would remind...

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Receive more help in your spiritual work

"I am privileged to walk among you, I can tell you that I WILL NEVER FORSAKE ANY OF YOU – that I will guide you, heal you, help you, and the more you want to help others, THE MORE HELP WILL I SEE YOU GET." - The Master Jesus   This is an incredible promise, not only...

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Receive inspiration on a high level

When we are in a position in our lives where we need to make an important decision, it is common to try and tap into our intuition and see what our "gut" is telling us. Master of Yoga Dr. George King talks about this in an address given in 1961. He not only explains...

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A wandering mind during a spiritual practice

Sometimes it can be difficult to detach from the day and focus our minds on a spiritual practice, such as The Twelve Blessings. And even during such a practice, it is common for the mind to wander. You may start to think about what to have for dinner, or a work...

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Blessed is The Mother Earth

This week, on July 8th, many who practice The Twelve Blessings celebrate The Primary Initiation of Earth. This is a time to deepen our love and appreciation for the Mother Earth and all that she has sacrificed for us. " lesson which I will never forget was,...

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An extraordinary opportunity to help the world

On July 5th at midnight GMT, Satellite Number 3 comes back into orbit of Earth. This time, which we refer to as a Spiritual Push, is an extraordinary opportunity to help the world and the Cosmic Plan: "You might say that, "I am only one person alone in Bethnal Green",...

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Practice two Yogas at once

In 1964, Master of Yoga Dr. George King was asked to explain what is meant to: "...spread yourself in sacrificial action throughout your suffering World." which is a line from the Sixth Blessing. In his response he says the following: "These are the two great forms of...

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Spiritual practices to improve your life

Spiritual practices can help improve our lives in so many ways. The Twelve Blessings, as a spiritual practice, is one of the greatest practices we can perform. Master of Yoga Dr. George King has these inspiring words to say in an address from 1976: " will become...

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Great power is being sent to you

In his introduction to the Eighth Blessing, the Master Saint Goo-Ling explains what happens when we are practicing The Twelve Blessings: "It is a certain fact that if a man builds up a path through the ether and sends upon this path his Love and Blessings towards...

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A boat on an ocean – an analogy for karma

In a lecture entitled Karma and Reincarnation from 1973, Master of Yoga Dr. George King gives an analogy to explain Karma: "If you were to regard yourself as a boat on an ocean, the ocean that you use upon which to make your journey, is karma. The wind which is...

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Carefully cultivate your intuition

Although the goal of spiritual service is to help others, there are nevertheless many benefits for ourselves as well, one of which is a greater awakening of our intuition. In a lecture on forgetfulness, Master of Yoga Dr. George King tells us that we can train...

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A Tree called Confidence

The Master Jesus says these words in the Third Blessing: "Walk ye into Peace. Request it gently, for it falleth even as the gentle rain from Heaven. Let it flow. Offer to this wondrous Power no resistance—but let it flow through you all—NOW." "Every cell of your body...

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Raise global consciousness on Earth Day

In the beginning of the Seventh Blessing, to The Mother Earth, The Master Jesus says: "Blessed is She, Who, instead of taking the unlimited gowns allowed to this Goddess, did accept material limitation, so that you—the lower Aspects of God—could walk through...

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You can help bring about peace

In Cosmic Voice Volume 2, The Master Jesus states: "There are those who dream of peace. Oh friends, keep this dream within your hearts, for it shall come to pass. "You seem to be so limited. Nay, thy limitation is but appearance. This appearance will be cast away like...

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Jesus was a brilliant karmic manipulator

In an address from 1977 entitled The Victory of Easter, Yoga Master Dr. George King tells us about the Master Jesus and how he was an incredible manipulator of Karma. "Oddly enough, Jesus not only proved, through His death, that He could live again, that He had gone...

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Creating beauty with your thoughts

Our thoughts are things. When we think uplifting and positive thoughts it can not only benefit ourselves, but also it means we are radiating positive energies to others. "...thought is an energy which can be shaped and molded, rather like clay. And just as a sculptor...

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Give thanks to the Mother Earth

"...the Earth as an Intelligence, as a Being—as a living, breathing Being—is highly evolved. She has—and I say She, giving It a female gender, which It has got—She has accepted very great limitation and responsibility upon the behalf, the direct behalf, of all the...

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A single-minded approach to prayer

In an address from 1978, Yoga Master Dr. George King told a story about when he was praying for peace during the Korean War: "One night I got into such a highly elevated state that I physically flew round the room. This was not a projected state, this was physical...

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Honor the Master Jesus on his true birth day

Next week, on March 15th, we celebrate the true birth date of the Master Jesus. The Twelve Blessings were given to us by the Master Jesus as a cosmic extension to his Sermon on the Mount. In the Eleventh Blessing, to The Supreme Lords of Creation, he lets us know how...

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Prayer and advanced yoga practices

Each week in this email, Dr. George King is introduced as a Master of Yoga. He was in fact a Master of many different types of yoga – Kundalini, Raja, Bhakti and more. In 1965, he was comparing advanced yoga practices to the practice of prayer. "... is something that...

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The secret to attaining 100% success

In a prayer class from 1964, Master of Yoga, Dr. George King was giving feedback to the attenders about how they begin the prayer after the Fifth Blessing, to the Thanksgivers. This advice can be applied to all the prayers. "Really put some feeling into it, as though...

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The Twelve Blessings in other languages

In a prayer class from 1964 Master of Yoga Dr. George King was giving feedback on the way some attenders were saying prayers from The Twelve Blessings. A German man had trouble pronouncing some of the words correctly, and asked if he could say the prayer in German...

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You can save a whole city!

In 1955, the Master Aetherius, who introduced The Twelve Blessings, stated the following about the unique opportunities to be of Service we have today: "You know by your own scriptures that there was a time when a few good men could have saved a city. That time is...

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You are a temple for power!

In a Prayer Class in 1964, Master of Yoga Dr. George King emphasized that it is very important to pray with feeling, and not just recite the words. "I would say it’s a far bigger crime to say a prayer wrong than ever it is to smoke, drink or eat meat, and I mean that....

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What should you be thinking about during prayer?

In The Twelve Blessings, we are told to visualize white light leaving us, and going to the focal point of the prayer. In 1964, Master of Yoga Dr. George King gave a lecture series on prayer, and one of the attenders asked about how best to focus their attention during...

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A Master’s advice on how to say a prayer

In a lecture series given in 1964, Master of Yoga Dr. George King gave some helpful advice on how we pray: "You see, first of all, what we have to do with this prayer is, we have to say it from our own hearts, how we feel it should be said. We don’t have to copy the...

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Detaching from your surroundings

In the introduction to the Third Blessing, the Master Saint Goo-Ling says: "Try to sit still and lose yourselves in the great sea of White Light which will flow through you all, out into your country and to the world as a whole. "Try to be so detached from...

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The most important time to be on Earth

As we start the new year, many people are thinking about changes they want to make in their lives and what they want to accomplish this year. The best way to make the most of the year is to focus on giving service to others and helping to raise the consciousness of...

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A Master’s advice about the New Year

At the beginning of 1966, Master of Yoga Dr. George King gave some advice about the year ahead which is as applicable now as it was then: "What the higher intelligences have in store for us this year, I do not know, but whatever it is, it will be opportunity,...

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Put your enthusiasm into Christmas

Master of Yoga Dr. George King really got into the Christmas spirit. The Headquarters in Los Angeles was highly decorated, and he gave gifts generously. Some may wonder why Dr. King would celebrate Christmas this way, given that he knew the Master Jesus was not born...

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Open yourself up to inspiration

In a lecture from 1965 entitled 'Become more useful humans', Master of Yoga Dr. George King makes the following point about how we spend our time: "I wonder how many people tonight are looking at television, are playing cards, drinking in bars, dancing, or at the...

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Give thanks to the Devic Kingdom

Today in the United States we are celebrating Thanksgiving, a time of year when we think about our blessings and give thanks for them. We are taught in The Twelve Blessings to remember the Devic Kingdom and to be ever thankful for their tireless and essential work on...

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Focus on your progression

With all the distractions of the modern world, there are a lot of ways to keep your mind busy – but not necessarily in the right way.   While Service should always be our top priority, we should never unduly neglect our own spiritual progression. In fact, we should do...

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Create positive karma

The Law of Karma is a great teacher. The more we understand it, the more we can work with it. As Dr. George King said in an address from 1968: "...thank God many times a day for the major things. For, if you like, your blessings. And the more you are—strangely enough,...

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Become a miniature Sun!

In the conclusion of The Twelve Blessings, we hear from a being named Mars Sector 6.   This Cosmic Master was a frequent communicator through Master of Yoga Dr. George King and in 1958 he said the following when talking about the Sun: "As this mighty Orb gives freely...

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Imagine the good we can do!

In an address from 1973, Master of Yoga, Dr. George King said: "If your prayers come from an honest heart, are unselfish—as indeed are those in The Twelve Blessings, to mention one set of prayers—you don’t know what good these can do. You might say them 200 times and...

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A way to feel peace and enjoyment

In an address from 1965 entitled 'The Difference Between the Mystic and the Occultist' Master of Yoga, Dr. George King has this to say about The Twelve Blessings. "Some people like The Twelve Blessings—that’s wrong—all people like The Twelve Blessings. Performance of...

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Be remembered by the Gods!

In the introduction to the Fifth Blessing, to the Thanksgivers, the Master Saint Goo-Ling begins: "In these days few men on this World ever give thanks to the Devic Realms for Their tireless work on behalf of backward mankind. Those who do this are remembered by the...

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Carve a brighter tomorrow!

The Master Jesus begins the Sixth Blessing with these words: "Oh sweet little children, I give you My Heart. I give you all the absolute benefit of My Love. Oh sweet ones, know that by your thought and action of today you carve—tomorrow. Live always, dear adorable...

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Contacting essential energies

In a lecture on The Twelve Blessings in 1959, Master of Yoga Dr. George King explains: "The Twelve Blessings, then, were given to thinking, open-minded, decent men and women, so that they might transmit energy to other thinking, open-minded, decent men and women—and...

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Be prepared for your spiritual journey!

After the giving of the Twelfth Blessing, the Master Jesus stated: "Oh little children, do not let the fools of your world limit your concept. Do not let them limit your thought. Do not let them limit your visualization. Do not let them limit your soul, but think upon...

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Be instrumental in helping our Earth

In Saint Goo-Ling's introduction to the Eleventh Blessing, to the Supreme Lords of Creation, he says: "Please send out all your love to those great and mighty Beings, who will be mentioned in this Blessing. "By doing this you will be performing very Holy Prayer and...

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The Galaxy – a living being!

Following the Tenth Blessing - to the Galaxy - Mars Sector 6 says:"It lives, It breathes, It thinks, It feels pain, It meditates, in the same wayas does the Logos of a Planet. Yet within Its Great and Mighty Structure there are thousands upon thousands of inhabited...

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Uplift the world – and yourself too!

By practicing The Twelve Blessings, we not only help the world, but we also help ourselves. In the introduction to the Eighth Blessing, to the Mighty Sun, the Master Saint Goo-Ling says: “It is a certain fact that if a man builds up a path through the ether and sends...

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A practice for people of all faiths

One of the reasons The Twelve Blessings is an important practice for our world today is because people of any faith can practice this.   "To practice The Twelve Blessings does not entail any interference with your existing religious beliefs, for whatever they...

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Enhance your personal magnetism

In 1964, Master of Yoga Dr. George King gave a lecture entitled 'How to Enhance Your Personal Magnetism,' in which he describes how prayer is an excellent mental exercise that can also enhance your magnetism. "Dynamic prayer is a wonderful mental exercise, because you...

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Answering a command by the Master Jesus

In a lecture in 1964, Master of Yoga Dr. George King was asked what the Master Jesus meant in the Sixth Blessing, when he commanded: "spread yourselves in sacrificial action throughout your suffering world." Dr. King responded with the following: "Karma yoga means...

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Concentrate during this Spiritual Push

During a Spiritual Push, all of our spiritual actions are karmically potentized by a factor of 3,000! Because of this, each second that we are performing spiritual work is precious and our powers of concentration are important. "... if you have the will to concentrate...

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Send your blessings to the Mother Earth

In a lecture on the Seventh Blessing, Master of Yoga Dr. George King reminds us of the importance of sending energy to the Mother Earth. "Well, the Logos of the Earth is virtually, not exactly the life force of the Earth, but the motivating spirit within the Earth....

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Inspire others in the upcoming Spiritual Push

The next Spiritual Push starts on July 5th at midnight GMT. This is a time when all of our spiritual actions are potentized by a factor of 3,000. To make the most of this time, we should not only increase the amount of spiritual actions we perform, but we should also...

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The practice of the Violet Flame

In the introduction to the 6th Blessing, the Master Saint Goo-Ling says the following: "...if you use Great Power of Violet Flame properly, you can raise your consciousness and also do much good to your body and your mind and your emotions and your etheric and your...

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Open your mind to greater things

A minute's practice can be worth an hour of theory. The more we practice The Twelve Blessings, the greater our understanding of them will be. "We know that The Twelve Blessings are right. Practice them and you'll find out for yourself. Just practice them, that's all....

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Live in the light of Service

The Twelve Blessings are a masterclass in service to others. From the workers for peace, to the Mother Earth, the Supreme Lords of Karma, and beyond, all are working in service to others. The greater the beings, the more they embody service in all that they do. As Dr....

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One of the most spiritual practices ever given

In a lecture on the Eighth Blessing, to the Mighty Sun, Master of Yoga Dr. George King talks about how we should appreciate the Sun as a Holy Being, instead of taking it for granted. Sending our Love to the Sun is a powerful way to do that: "... it’s a great, it’s a...

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The Glorious Few

In a lecture given in 1959, Master of Yoga Dr. George King tells us how the beings on Satellite Number 3 refer to those who are of true service to the world. "They’re wonderful people... Space People refer to them as "The Glorious Few", which coming from a Spaceman...

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Finish this spiritual race!

In an address from 1965, Master of Yoga Dr. George King talks about the battle against laziness that we all must constantly fight. The example he uses is a race which we start fast, keen to do well, but towards the end of the race, there is the risk of us needlessly...

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Change the karma of the world

We all have our own individual karma to work through, but we also have group karma and even world karma. This means that every positive action we make, can help improve world karma. "Manipulate the karma of the world and you have all the power to do everything you...

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Spread light and inspire those around you

There is a lot of negativity in the world today – but Master of Yoga Dr. George King offered this inspiring guidance on how to respond to it: "All spiritual workers in these days of darkness and turmoil on Earth are virtually fighting a battle, not only for themselves...

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Contact great energy for your Earth

In a lecture from 1960, Master of Yoga Dr. George King talks about The Twelve Blessings book: "It’s as holy as any book on Earth at the moment and if you allow it to be damaged in any way, it wouldn’t be good. Take care of it. But more important than anything else:...

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A promise from the Master Jesus

We are still in the first Spiritual Push of this year. During this time any spiritual work is enhanced 3,000 times. The more we are spiritually active, the more help we will receive. "I tell you now, that all of you who pray for your brothers - from this moment on -...

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Get prepared now!

The next Spiritual Push begins in just a few days on 18 April at midnight GMT. This is a time when all of your spiritual actions are potentized by factor of 3,000! In 1965 Master of Yoga Dr. George King advised us not to wait for this holy time to begin to pray and...

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You can create peace!

In 1962 the Master Jesus said: "Now we appeal, if appeals be necessary to the spiritual workers, for we say that you are the true hope for peace in this world. You are the only hope! Yes, each one of you. Great is your task, but also, great are your powers." We should...

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The light that shines through you as a channel

By practicing the Twelve Blessings we send out Love energy to the focal point of each Blessing. But we also receive an energy ourselves, which we can radiate to those around us. "And when you send out your power to ‘they who work for peace,’ you have a power returned...

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Jesus blesses us

In 1959, the Master Jesus said the following about The Twelve Blessings: "Blessed is he, who, reading this Book, does understand. But exalted is he, even among the Angels, who, reading this Book, doth take it to his heart and follow its precepts." The Twelve Blessings...

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Be good, be tolerant, be kind…

Today is the true birthday of the Master Jesus and on this day we remember this Cosmic Adept and the great teachings he has given us. His life 2,000 years ago was an example of how to live. In The Twelve Blessings he continues to offer us gems of wisdom to live by,...

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Take action for peace!

The world is in crisis. As part of our response, we have been dedicating our online Twelve Blessings Services to peace and freedom in Ukraine. In a lecture on the First Blessing, to those who work for peace, Master of Yoga Dr. George King reminds us that this Blessing...

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The most important practice we can perform

In a lecture on the Tenth Blessing, to the Galaxy, Master of Yoga Dr. George King says that prayer is the most important spiritual practice we can perform: "Prayer is something which very, very little is known about. But it’s the most important practice, I think, of...

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Your spiritual bank account

In a lecture on the Sixth Blessing, Master of Yoga Dr. George King points out that materialistic people may not be preparing for the future as well as they think. "The so-called materialist prefers to refer to himself as a practical individual and yet he’s a really...

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Send your love to humanity

We are only a few days away from Valentine's Day. This is a day when much of the world celebrates what people call "love". But what is love really – in its highest sense? In a lecture on the Third Blessing, Master of Yoga Dr. George King reminds us that the energy of...

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A practice that benefits all your spiritual work

In a lecture on the Fourth Blessing – to the Planetary Ones – Master of Yoga Dr. George King reminds us that by practicing The Twelve Blessings we are not only helping the focal point of each blessing, but also ourselves: "...let us not forget that these Blessings...

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Discover spiritual satisfaction

In the Ninth Blessing, to the Supreme Lords of Karma, the Master Jesus says: "Bless your brothers. Bless the Logos of your Earth. Bless the Mighty Solar Logos and then Bless the Supreme Lords of Karma and you will discover a satisfaction beyond all words." By...

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Service to help our suffering world

In the Sixth Blessing the Master Jesus tells us: "I say unto you, man - he who in total disregard of universal suffering does search in these days for Peace, will find it not. For alas, ye are commanded even now, as ye were yesterday, to spread yourselves in...

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A magnificent, superb and wonderful opportunity

In a New Year's address in 1966, Master of Yoga Dr. George King said: "What the higher intelligences have in store for us this year, I do not know, but whatever it is, it will be opportunity—magnificent, superb, wonderful—and it will give us a chance to make our...

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Cooperate with the Master Jesus in the New Year

Master of Yoga Dr. George King did not think people should not make resolutions if they did not intend on keeping them. He said that it is far better to not make any resolutions, than it is to break them. In an address at the end of 1964, Dr. King was speaking of the...

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Keeping the Christ in Christmas

In a Christmas address in 1964, Master of Yoga Dr. George King talked about keeping the Christ in Christmas. He was sharing his thoughts on Christmas parties and how more often than not, Jesus was not mentioned at all. Although he says that Christmas time should be a...

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Make Christmas a time of giving

Christmas and The Twelve Blessings are linked together by the great Master Jesus. In a lecture about Christmas, Master of Yoga Dr. George King reminds us that Christmas is a wonderful time to give to others: "...that’s one thing I like about Christmas—is giving to...

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Bring energy through yourself in a workable way

There are just a couple of days left in the last Spiritual Push of this year. The practice of the Twelve Blessings is an excellent way that we can use the energy available to us from Satellite No. 3. "The Great Beings who man Satellite No. 3, which is now in orbit of...

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A burning desire to help others

There's just over one week left in the last Spiritual Push of this year. This is an outstanding opportunity to help the world in a very real way. Master of Yoga Dr. George King has taught us that one of the best ways we can help others is through what he described as...

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Giving thanks to cosmic forces

Today is Thanksgiving Day, for people in America. In an address that Master of Yoga Dr. George King gave on Thanksgiving Day in 1964, he reminds us about the importance of giving thanks to the great cosmic forces, such as the beings on Satellite Number 3, for their...

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Prayer from an unselfish heart

We are now in a Spiritual Push, a fantastic time to help the world, and ourselves. In Cosmic Voice Volume No. 1, Master of Yoga Dr. George King tells us: "The Cosmic Masters are looking for clean, pure channels to conduct a power which, if correctly used, will result...

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A Divine Opportunity

In 1964, Master of Yoga Dr. George King published a booklet entitled A Cosmic Message of Divine Opportunity. In this booklet, he talks about the great opportunity that we have during a Spiritual Push. "If ever there was a time of opportunity in your countless lives...

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Heavenly twins: Faith and works

Master of Yoga Dr. George King was a very practical man. He was also a very spiritually active man. In 1963 he gave a lecture and stated the following: "I believe, you know, in a very practical kind of faith. I believe that faith without works is dead. I believe that...

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The simple expedient of prayer

With all the different serious issues that are facing the world, it is easy to feel as if we are not in a position to help in any meaningful way. But this is not the case, Master of Yoga Dr. George King tells us that we all have the ability to help in a potent way:...

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Our greatest power

In a lecture given in 1971 Master of Yoga Dr. George King states: "So prayer, ladies and gentlemen, is something which every man, every woman, every child can use for their own benefit, for the benefit of their family, for the benefit of their country, for the benefit...

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Pray from the heart

There are many problems and troubles in the world today and it is easy to feel as if there is nothing you can do to help others who are suffering. Master of Yoga Dr. George King taught that prayer is one of the best ways we can help others. "First of all, it [prayer]...

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You can do anything you put your mind to

While it may not always feel like it, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to, we just need to put forth enough effort to make it happen. "The message at this time is that, I believe—and always have believed—that a person can do anything they determine,...

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Become a spiritual dynamo

During this Spiritual Push, the energies that we send out are potentized by a factor of 3000 in terms of their karmic benefit to the world as a whole! We can send out energy in all kinds of different ways. Master of Yoga Dr. George King says: "When you think certain...

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Make your prayers really work!

Master of Yoga Dr. George King tells us that we must put our hearts and souls into our prayers in order for them to work: "Prayer, if you are to make it work—if you are to make it work—must come from your very heart and soul, and you must put your very lifeblood into...

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Action is important

'The Twelve Blessings' is a powerful practice that helps bring about the upliftment of mankind. Positive action and positive thought are what is desperately needed in this world. "We are reminded in these days that action is important. Right action starts with the...

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Become a Thanksgiver and advance!

In the Fifth Blessing, we send out our love energy to the "Thanksgivers." These are people who have made enough progress on the spiritual path to be aware of the Devic Kingdom, and who then give these spirits of nature thanks for their essential work. "Anyone who will...

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Miracles can happen with The Twelve Blessings

When we perform The Twelve Blessings, we send out our love energy and even though we do not know exactly where this energy goes, or who it benefits, miracles can happen. Master of Yoga Dr. George King had this to say about the prayer after the Third Blessing, 'Blessed...

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Everything you do affects all people on Earth

In a lecture on the Second Blessing, Master of Yoga Dr. George King states: "As you are related to all people upon Earth, everything that you do affects all people upon Earth. And as you affect all people upon Earth, in one way or the other, for good or bad—I mean,...

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Personal experience of The Twelve Blessings

Personal experience of The Twelve Blessings

When you start to practice The Twelve Blessings with an open heart and mind, you will discover an amazing power which will change your life. In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, guest host Mark Bennett and his guest Paul Nugent share their very different...

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Gratitude for the Mother Earth – our home

Blessed is She, Who, instead of taking the unlimited gowns allowed to this Goddess, did accept material limitation, so that you – the lower aspects of God – could walk through experience back to God again.– The Master Jesus, from the Seventh Blessing In his commentary...

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Spiritual aliens – why are they visiting Earth?

It must be—and indeed is obvious—to all Governments upon Terra [Earth], that Flying Saucers are real, are physical, are friendly, are extraterrestrial. They cannot TRUTHFULLY deny this... It is obvious we are friendly. Had we not been, you would not exist."– Mars...

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The spiritual truth about UFOs

The world is abuzz with talk about UFOs in anticipation of the Pentagon report sometime this month. In The Aetherius Society we believe that many of these UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft. But who are the beings that pilot them, and where do they come from?...

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The experience of subtle energy

Master of Yoga Dr. George King described his experience of prayer in the following way: " will feel the energy physically, absolutely physically—and I mean absolutely physically."As far as I’m concerned it feels cold, I can feel it coming through the...

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Logic, sense perception, intuition

During a TV interview in England in the 1970s, Master of Yoga Dr. George King made the following statement about the teachings - including The Twelve Blessings - which he had received from the Cosmic Masters: "From the philosophical content alone, they are pretty...

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Priceless wisdom from other worlds

On May 8th, 1954, Master of Yoga Dr. George King was alone at his home in London when he heard a voice which came from outside of himself proclaim: Prepare yourself! You are to become the voice of Interplanetary Parliament. Later, Dr. King was to discover that this...

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If you have the faith to move mountains…

Master of Yoga Dr. George King said: "If you are concerned with teaching you will be helped to teach. Healing, you will be helped to heal. Whatever it is, you will be helped. Not by a presence, not by messages because you will not – repeat not – receive messages from...

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“I am your brother, not your God”

According to Master of Yoga Dr. George King, the Master Jesus walked the Earth for another 700 years after demonstrating to us the Initiation of Ascension. He traveled to many places, including India and China before deciding to move on. More than one thousand years...

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Revelations about the Cross

The cross is an ancient mystical symbol which predates Christianity by many thousands of years. At the end of The Twelfth Blessing the Master Jesus makes this outstanding revelation about its true meaning: “This, my children, is not the symbol of death. It is the...

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Easter revelations

One of the most fascinating and controversial revelations made by Master of Yoga Dr. George King was that the Master Jesus did not come to Earth to "forgive us our sins." In the words of Dr. George King: "The Great Ones who are manipulating this Solar System ......

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An Avatar for the Piscean Age

The Master Jesus is literally a world away from what so many people have been taught about him for centuries. One aspect of this is his true birthdate, March 15th, which we celebrate in The Aetherius Society as the coming to Earth of a great Avatar who came to herald...

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What do you call God?

A number of blind men came to an elephant. Someone told them that it was an elephant. The blind men asked, "What is the elephant like?" as they began to touch its body. One of them said, "It is like a pillar." This blind man had only touched its leg. Another man said,...

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You are the expression of life!

One of the most inspiring messages that we have been given many times by the Cosmic Masters is about the oneness of all life. The life in you is the same life that is expressing itself in trillions and trillions of different ways throughout creation, which is making...

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What is reality?


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Let truth change your consciousness

The Master Jesus says at the end of The Twelfth Blessing: Oh little children, do not let the fools of your World limit your concept. Do not let them limit your thought. Do not let them limit your visualisation. Do not let them limit your Soul—but think upon these...

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Be fearless in your spirituality

This week we share our last excerpt from the commentary on the New Year's poem written by Master of Yoga Dr. George King to help inspire you in 2021: In Dr. King's commentary on the poem he says:“Remember—do not be afraid to live your beliefs or to let other people...

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The all-loving, all-powerful flame within you

Throughout this month we will continue to share excerpts from the New Year's poem written by Master of Yoga Dr. George King to help inspire you in 2021. In Dr. King's commentary on the poem he says:“We have to begin to search for our path back to This [God]. We have...

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Help yourself to keep your promises

Throughout this month we will continue to share excerpts from the New Year's poem written by Master of Yoga Dr. George King to help inspire you in 2021. In Dr. King's commentary on the poem he says:"We should be careful of giving out promises and yet never making them...

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A New Year’s resolution…

Last week we helped to ring in the New Year with a poem by Master of Yoga Dr. George King. In his commentary on the poem he says: "The poem begins by telling of the promises and resolutions which are often made on a New Year’s Eve as is the custom but which are very...

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New Year – New Morning

To help ring in the New Year we wanted to share with you a New Year’s poem written by Master of Yoga Dr. George King, as well as his own commentary on its true meaning.This poem can be interpreted as a very concise manual for how to live i.e. what we each can do to...

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Make the spirit of Christmas live within you!

This Christmas let us be inspired not only to make the spirit of Christmas live within us, but also to keep that spirit alive all year long!"...if you would allow this same light that shines from you and through you at this time, to shine throughout the year, you too...

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A secret to spiritual advancement

Master of Yoga Dr. George King gave us a secret to spiritual advancement when he said:“ has one sure ability, he can manipulate his own karma. If he regards every unit of energy as sacred and divine, using this for the benefit of all, then indeed, does such a...

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Change the course of history

Master of Yoga Dr. George King said: "Your spiritual energy is helping mankind."Your spiritual energy is helping to change the course of history on this Earth."Your spiritual energy is what is needed more than anything else by mankind.” It is inspiring, is it not, to...

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Truth changes you

Spiritual truth changes you! Master of Yoga Dr. George King said:“The wisdom of the Masters, when studied and learned, alters your awareness and sets free streams of energy within your subtle nervous centres [chakras]. The aura, in turn, reflects itself on the...

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A house united!

“...if a thousand people pursue their own studies in their own way without coming together, those thousand people can be as a house divided. If those thousand people come together they can be as a house united.”– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, Join Your Ship Today it...

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Spiritual determination

“Many people fall by the wayside, leave the straight and narrow road because things get difficult for them and, if they were to keep along this road for just a little while longer, many of these difficulties would be resolved.”– Master of Yoga Dr. George King It is...

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7 days until the next Spiritual Push!

So far we've talked about two ways that we can "reach upwards" – a common theme in The Twelve Blessings: – We can think about God more. We can attune ourselves with more elevated and inspired thoughts, especially in meditation. – We can study the wisdom of those...

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Reach upwards

Last week we talked about thinking about God more as a way to “reach upwards.”   “Reaching upwards” is a common theme in The Twelve Blessings.   Here again the Master Jesus talks about it in the prayer following the Seventh Blessing:   Oh Mighty Creator,Let the...

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The greatness within you

In the prayer at the end of the Seventh Blessing it says: Oh Mighty Creator,Let the Wondrous Beams of Your Majestic PowerFlow through all the children upon the Earth—   this very moment.So that they may reach upwards and realiseThe Divinity of their heritage.Reaching...

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The Spark of God within you

In the prayer that follows the Sixth Blessing, the Master Jesus says: "We ask that the hearts and minds of manMight be opened to Thy Presence,To Thy Mighty Light.So that they may forever Glorify Thee.So that they may realise, that within themBeats a Spark directly...

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The inner vision of God

In the New Lord's Prayer, given in 1961, it says: Oh mighty God, this day have you granted me a Divine privilege.I ask you, now, to give to me the strength,So that never again will I turn from my inner vision of you... When Dr. King spoke about these words he said...

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Oneness and service

The prayer that follows the Fifth Blessing, which is to the Thanksgivers, begins as follows: Let the mighty power of thy LoveFlow forth into all the peoples of the world,So that they may be risen up to realise their Divinity,So that they may live and act in this...

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Manifest your greatness

You too can manifest the potential for greatness within you – by living in the light of oneness.“Oh my sweet, adorable children, lift up your hearts to that God Light within and let this shine through your every thought."Let it be reflected in your every action."Let...

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What creates change?

With so much upheaval at the moment, is it time to reflect on something deeper?Lasting positive change is the result of one thing, and one thing only:The surrender of the conscious mind to the wisdom of the Higher Self within us.The conscious mind is what we use every...

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Let’s practice these three steps!

The Nine Freedoms is a series of spiritual teachings that reveal nine essential steps we will all eventually take on our journey back to the Source."You can come as a Christian, as a Buddhist, as a yogi; you can come fast and slow; you can belong to any group, to no...

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Your journey through the gates of Freedom

Your journey through the gates of Freedom

In this week's extract Master of Yoga Dr. George King talks about the importance of the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms, quoting a great Cosmic Master as follows: "The Nine Freedoms have been given to Terra at this time in order to stimulate and raise the consciousness of...

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The inconceivable love of the Sun

The inconceivable love of the Sun

Real love is not a measure of emotion, but something much greater. Being able to channel the extraordinary power of love brings freedom from hate and from a host of other ills.  Love can even bring freedom from war, disease, and our own basic selves. Rather than...

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The Divine Spark you share with the Sun

The Divine Spark you share with the Sun

When you attain the elevated state of God-realization, you will know that God is all things – including you.  But even if we cannot really realise this yet - what a thing to think about! The more we think about God, the more we will help to raise our consciousness and...

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You are solidified sunlight

You are solidified sunlight

“Prana is the life of the atom and the vitality of the most elevated inspirations of the Enlightened Saint. All Creation revolves upon an energy axis—Prana. Ten thousand words could be written about Prana without describing it in its entirety, yet one word is...

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The advancement of Saturn

The advancement of Saturn

The most advanced planet in our Solar System is Saturn. On this planet, the most advanced intelligences are known as the “Perfects”.  Like other civilizations throughout the Solar System, they live on a higher plane of existence than us. The Perfects are responsible...

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Paradox and spiritual truth

Paradox and spiritual truth

In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King explains three profound paradoxes, revealing deep aspects of spiritual truth. Discover some of the feats of the most advanced beings in this Solar System, who live on a higher plane of existence than us, on the...

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The two poles of spiritual truth

The two poles of spiritual truth

Truth always has two poles.  In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King offers two examples to help illustrate to us the inherent paradox in all truth. The Nine Freedoms are a series of cosmic transmissions (communications) given by a great and wise...

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Extraterrestrials and time

Extraterrestrials and time

We can measure the three dimensions of length, breadth and height in feet, inches, centimetres, metres, etc We can also measure change - in units of time. Time is the fourth dimension of creation, and also one of its great mysteries, as far as we are concerned on...

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