Blessed is The Mother Earth
This week, on July 8th, many who practice The Twelve Blessings celebrate The Primary Initiation of Earth. This is a time to deepen our love and appreciation for the Mother Earth and all that she has sacrificed for us.
“…one lesson which I will never forget was, strangely enough, one which I have always known ever since I was a very small child, but this truth was brought home to me more forcibly than ever before. It is a simple truth and an obvious one, but has been overlooked by mankind for centuries. It is a truth which the more highly evolved beings, living on other planets in this solar system, have known about for thousands of years.
“Very simply stated, the truth is this: the most holy, the most sacred, the most godlike being you have ever physically touched, is the ground beneath your feet.”
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King in Visit to the Logos of Earth