Some of the freedoms of interplanetary existence
The other civilizations in this Solar System exist on higher frequencies of vibration – as yet undetectable to modern science. They are millions of years more evolved than us – both technologically and spiritually. Find out what life is like for these highly advanced...
The beginning of your interplanetary existence
After you have graduated from this classroom of Earth and pass through the Initiation of Ascension, you will choose whether to remain here on Earth as part of the Spiritual Hierarchy – or to go on, to a higher sphere of evolution i.e. to a higher plane of another...
Some of the powers of the Ascended Masters
The Ascended Masters definitely do exist. Dr. King related many of his own personal experiences with the Ascended Masters in the books and lectures that he published. They have amazing powers – powers that you too will have one day when you achieve this initiation for...
Take to truth in order to find truth
Fearless and uncompromising, Master of Yoga Dr. George King spoke the truth no matter what it cost him – despite ridicule, disbelief and even threats of violence. In this week’s extract, Dr. King tells us to speak out boldly in truth no matter what it might seem to...
Ascension is your birthright
Ascension is an absolutely extraordinary human achievement that takes many lives of sustained, conscious effort. In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King reminds us all of our own inner potential. He tells us that one day, no matter how distant it may...
What is Ascension?
All life – on this Earth and elsewhere in the Universe – is about one thing: experience. Experience gives us the opportunity to learn vital life lessons and become wise. In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King gives us a profoundly simple definition of...
The difference between a man and a knower
In a state of true meditation you become one with that upon which you meditate. You become someone who knows about that thing, not just someone who thinks they know, or who knows about it in theory only. In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King draws...
The tree of wisdom
In this week’s extract Master of Yoga Dr. George King shares with us more fascinating information about other planes of existence on Earth (sometimes referred to as "Terra"). He describes a little bit about what these other planes are like, and reveals that we not...
Earth is a classroom of experience
In this week’s extract Master of Yoga Dr. George King shares with us more fascinating information about other planes of existence on Earth (sometimes referred to as "Terra"). He describes a little bit about what these other planes are like, and reveals that we not...
Concentration – first step on the ladder towards enlightenment
The first step on the ladder towards enlightenment is concentration. Without concentration we cannot begin to open the door of enlightenment through contemplation, or attain the state of true meditation described by Master of Yoga Dr. George King. The Nine Freedoms...
How to overcome psychic frustration
If you are involved in spiritual work then you have probably experienced some degree of psychic frustration at one time or another - a gnawing, uncomfortable tension within you that gets worse and worse until you relieve it. In this week’s extract we learn that...
Gain mastery over yourself
If we’re honest we all have thoughts we aren’t proud of - jealousy, anger, etc. But, Master of Yoga Dr. George King tells us that if we can be honest about this, then we are already halfway towards overcoming this weakness in ourselves. When we can control our...
Serve and become unstoppable
In perhaps one of the most hopeful and inspiring messages that has ever been given, Master of Yoga Dr. George King says: if you are giving Service, you will overcome whatever forces that try to stop you, because there is not any force in the whole galaxy that can. In...
Service – Religion of the future
Master of Yoga Dr. George King was a man of action. He knew that practical, selfless spiritual service was the key to a New Age on Earth. In fact, he said that any organisation that was not giving Service would not exist in this New Age. It is those people and...
The importance of selfless service
Strange as it may sound, real love, in the highest spiritual sense, is not necessarily about helping people you like; it's about helping the world as a whole - even your enemies. This does not mean necessarily being nice to your enemies or socialising with them, but...
You are essential to the Cosmic whole
True unconditional love is not a measure of emotion. It is result of God-realisation – seeing God in all things. In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King leads us to the inescapable conclusion that manifesting love for everyone and everything in...
A metaphysical secret about Love energy
On August 10th, 1954, a great battle was fought and won against an evil entity in space. This mind-blowing battle is described in full in the book You Are Responsible! In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King reveals a little-known metaphysical secret...
The beginning of creation
In the beginning, there was God – The Absolute. There was nothing else. There were no worlds, there were no suns, there was no light, there was complete darkness—darkness because it’s unchangeable. Complete immobility—immobility because it’s unchangeable. Absolute...
Overcoming obstacles and being successful
It is easy to make excuses and say that if you had been born so-and-so, in a different environment with different challenges, you could have done better in life. In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King tells us why your own personal challenges are not...
Remain steadfastly unafraid
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King reveals a fascinating truth about fear, and reminds us all why it is so important that we become steadfastly unafraid. This is an extract from a series of lectures on The Nine Freedoms. The Nine Freedoms are a...
You can go to the moon – now!
What is meant by “Freedom”? In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King illustrates to us just one aspect of true freedom – which any of us can attain, if we are willing to invest the necessary effort in our spiritual advancement. The example he gives here...
Psychic development and spirituality – are they the same?
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King talks about psychic powers and the importance of all-round spiritual development. Purchase the full address 'Psychic Development and Mental Illness':...
What was Jesus tempted by in the desert?
According to the Bible, Jesus was tempted by the devil while he fasted in the Judaean desert for 40 days and nights. In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King reveals the deep mystical truth behind this.Purchase the full address 'Psychic Development and...
Choosing your spiritual teacher
Can there be any decision more important than who you choose as your spiritual teacher? In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr. George King offers certain helpful criteria you can apply, and steps you can take to help yourself, when searching for a teacher worth...
Some light on the difference between a real space contact and a fake
There have been many claims made by mediums and psychics who maintain they are in contact with extraterrestrial intelligences. Many of these are false. Some of these people may be completely sincere, but deluded or misled in one way or another. Others are outright...
How does a fire deva work?
A fire deva is that aspect of consciousness responsible for bringing into being a flame when the required ritual is performed correctly and all of the prerequisite conditions for that flame are met. In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King...
How can you become aware of the devas?
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King recommends a simple ritual you can perform outdoors in nature in order to experience – and perhaps even see – the presence of the little devas (elves, gnomes, fairies and so on) which dwell there....
What happens when you send out thoughts of love?
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King describes what happens when we radiate thoughts of spiritual love. The devas or “nature spirits” are responsible for the function of nature. However, they can work only with the energy that you send to...
What happens when you send out thoughts of hate
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King describes what happens when we think a hateful thought. Not only how it affects the person we think about, but also how it alters and affects environmental conditions on Earth. This will give you a...
Your relationship with the Devas
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King offers us a lucid and revealing explanation of the relationship between us and the Devas, otherwise known as "Nature Spirits". The Devic Kingdom works strictly according to the law of karma, but can...
A basic law of magic
In this week’s extract, we learn from Master of Yoga Dr. George King why The Twelve Blessings is such an ideal spiritual practice, and one that you can use over and over and over again without losing any of your spiritual power. Purchase the full address...
Different degrees of spiritual advancement
There are various different degrees of spiritual advancement on Earth. First, the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, which mainly consists of Ascended Masters – Earth Masters who have great spiritual powers and never age. Second, Earth Masters who are capable...
No initiation is ever sold
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King reminds us that no initiation is for sale. Every initiation is earned. Purchase the full address 'The Great White Brotherhood – the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth':...
The Great White Brotherhood does exist
The Great White Brotherhood is a mystical order of mostly Ascended men and women who have chosen to remain on Earth in order to help humanity. These beings of great wisdom, power and psychic abilities work behind the scenes and have long been shrouded in...
The right attitude for spiritual success
The Three Adepts are advanced intelligences from other planets who chose to be born on Earth, in bodies like ours, in order to help usher in the New Age. In this extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about a secret to their miraculous spiritual...
Manifest the God-force within you
In this extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King reminds us what true spiritual greatness really means. A great person is not just somebody who can enter an elevated state of consciousness, but somebody who chooses to detach from this bliss state in order to...
Worship God through your chosen Spiritual Master
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King clarifies a common misconception about the nature of the relationship between a disciple and their Master. Purchase the full address 'Do not break the magic':...
Inspiration – how much do you really want it?
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King challenges us all to become more inspired individuals. We all CAN become more inspired, but how much do we really want it? Full lecture available here:...
Attune yourself with the higher aspects of mind
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King reveals a great secret about receiving high inspiration. We all receive the higher aspects of mind through our brains. The inspiration is literally right there – if we could understand it! What can you...
Allow inspiration in
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King demystifies the concept of inspiration and how to allow this great power to change your life. You are more than a physical body – you are a psychic and spiritual being! Full lecture available here:...
Life is difficult – but not impossible
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King reminds us that an individual is never given a task they are not capable of. Life may be difficult – but it is never impossible. With perseverance, enthusiasm and hard work - you can succeed! Full...
Stick with the path – why suffer needlessly?
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King reminds us all that life can be a magnificent experience – if we make it so. We can enjoy tremendous joy and true spiritual liberation – if we stay on the spiritual path. Full lecture available here:...
Determination will save you on the spiritual path
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King reminds us that there is nothing the world can offer in comparison to true spiritual enlightenment. When we turn away from truth, we only make the inevitable journey back onto the path more difficult...
Why wait to help others?
Wisdom enables us to make the right decisions in our lives. In this week’s extract Master of Yoga Dr George King reminds us that it is action that counts. You can take the opportunities you have right now to send out power – not next week, next month or...
The importance of radiating spiritual power to others
When you pray, especially in Dynamic Prayer, you send out real power that can be used by people to bring about change for the better in their lives. In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King reminds us how important these efforts are for...
Service, Prayer and Kundalini
Master of Yoga Dr George King gives us a safe, balanced and sure way to raise Kundalini, not through dangerous yogic exercises, but through Dynamic Prayer in service to others. Click the video below to play the audio extract "Now Dynamic Prayer, too, can cause a...
Develop yourself through Dynamic Prayer
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King relates certain personal experiences of psychic and spiritual development, and even so-called miracles, which he experienced as a result of practicing Dynamic Prayer. With enough effort, determination and interest...
Become your Real Self in Dynamic Prayer
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King reveals the real power of Dynamic Prayer – something that we can all demonstrate if we choose to overcome fear and become our Real Selves! Click the video below to play the audio extract "...there’s more than one...
The Secret of Dynamic Prayer
In this post Master of Yoga Dr George King shares the secret of Dynamic Prayer. This is yet another way we have been given to become greater channels for spiritual energy to help change the world! Click the video below to play the audio extract "So then we want...
Are there any true Christian countries on Earth?
Is there a true Christian country anywhere on Earth? A country that really exemplifies the practical, workable philosophy of unconditional love and service to others, as taught by the Master Jesus? In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King reminds us all...
Do not limit your greater abilities
When the Master Jesus came to herald in the Piscean Age some 2,000 years ago, he came as a Master of Love – a shining example of true, unconditional love, which still inspires us today. In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King, talks about what you can...
The secret of real success
The Master Jesus was an extremely advanced extraterrestrial intelligence, who came to Earth to give us essential help in our journey through experience. In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King uses the life of the Master Jesus to illustrate for our...
The boat on an ocean – an analogy for karma
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King gives us an analogy for this classroom, which we call Earth, and what we can do to best help ourselves to learn our lessons through experience here – so that we can get to the next classroom, the lifecycle of...
Spirit, Soul, Mind, Body
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King illustrates simply what you really are and the reason you are here on Earth now. Full lecture available here: Click the video below to play the...
What is karma?
We know that the universe operates according to scientific laws. This is obvious and widely accepted in the modern world. The mistake that people often make is that they think that karma, if it exists at all, is some strange magical thing that is somehow...
Don’t let jealousy poison your heart
Evil comes in many guises, and in some ways the more subtle it is, the more sinister it can be. In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King gives us very clear instructions about what we each can do, as true spiritual workers, to spot and stop...
Be discontented – in a positive way
Sometimes we think about discontentment as a bad thing – a lack of something, or an emptiness. In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King reminds us that discontentment can be a good thing too, if we act on it to create positive change. Full...
Destroy jealousy before it destroys you
In this upcoming series of extracts, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about one of the great human failings which we all have the power to overcome: jealousy. In this week’s extract, Dr King talks about what you can do to transmute this negative mental...
Are you ready for Truth?
Have you ever asked for a sign to help you make a decision or determine whether something is true? In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King offers some simple but very profound advice for all seekers. Ask yourself: are you really ready for...
Are you in contact with a genuine Master?
Developing your ability to discriminate between what is true and what is false is essential to your spiritual success. It is the difference between choosing to follow teachings that will take you to Enlightenment, and teachings that will cost you years of...
Take courage in the Truth
Master of Yoga Dr George King said: "Always treat Truth as a holy thing emanating from the one source of Truth. Always speak about Truth with not only your brain, but even more important, your heart." There is a great responsibility in receiving Truth, and...
Enhance your magnetism through spiritual work
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about the relationship between spiritual work and personal magnetism. When you strive to promote a spiritual cause you draw to yourself the energy you need to answer this most sacred calling of...
Enhance your magnetism with dynamic prayer
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about the relationship between dynamic prayer and personal magnetism. You can make yourself an even more dynamic, magnetic person through the regular invocation and radiation of spiritual energy....
Enhance your personal magnetism
There are some people who seem to have an aura about them, like a light that others are attracted to. You too can make yourself a magnetic, dynamic person! How? In his lecture ‘How to enhance your personal magnetism’, Master of Yoga Dr George...
The perfect balance of the Master Jesus
The Master Jesus had the power to perform miracles. He was a brilliant orator and outstanding teacher. He was also an excellent carpenter. And had he been a stonemason, he would have been an excellent stonemason – or whatever the job was. In this week's...
A Christmas thought to last 365 days a year
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King offers us a sobering but extremely uplifting reminder of what we celebrate at Christmas – a thought to last 365 days a year! We wish you a Christmas of great joy and spiritual fulfilment! Full lecture...
Give Christmas your all
This week we kick off a special series of inspirational extracts based on the theme of Christmas. In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King tells us how to celebrate Christmas so that we make a real positive difference to others. Full lecture...
The secret of psychic powers
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about the great secret of psychic powers – essential for your own spiritual advancement. Full lecture available here: Click the...
How to develop your psychic powers
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about the steps you can take to develop your own psychic powers safely and reliably. Full lecture available here. Click the video below to play the audio extract"How would one go about psychic development?...
What is psychic development?
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King demystifies the concept of psychic development to demonstrate how you too can learn to perceive the subtle forces of nature all around you. Full lecture available here:...
You can become psychic
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about psychic powers. Psychic and intuitive abilities, like the ability to give spiritual healing, are not the gift of the few – they are the birthright of everyone on Earth. Full lecture...
A great test you will face on the spiritual path
In this week’s extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about a great test you will face on the spiritual path. He calls it the “super weapon”, which the lower self will use against you – the real you, the Higher aspect of you – just before attaining...
Occult revelations about meditation
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King makes even more occult revelations about the elevated state of consciousness he regarded as true meditation, known as samadhi. These revelations are the priceless fruits of his own experience in this...
True meditation
The word “meditation” means different things to different people. To Master of Yoga Dr George King, this word referred to an extremely elevated state which takes years – if not lives – to attain. In our next series of Weekly Inspiration extracts, Dr King...
The path of the extraordinary metaphysician
In the Twelfth Blessing the Master Jesus says: "For verily, do I say unto you, that the greatest one in these days is he who sacrifices himself—his bliss and the whole of his energy—for the benefit of his brother." It is a fitting introduction to the...
An illustration of true spiritual service
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King gives us a practical illustration of what it means to be an occultist – rather than just a mystic. Of the two, it is clear which is most needed today! Remember: The Mystic – someone who can go into...
Serve others – and succeed!
In our next series of inspirational extracts Master of Yoga Dr George King illustrates the difference between what he calls the "Mystic" and the "Occultist". The Mystic – someone who can go into meditation and contact the all-knowledge space within. The...
Do not miss the spiritual opportunities you have today
In this week's extract Dr King gives us another key to our enlightenment. He says: "We are not all equal, we are not all the same – I know that. However, we can all progress, and it depends on the effort we use in order to ensure this progression." This is...
Become what you believe and be great
In this week's extract Dr King gives us another key to our enlightenment. He says: "...the wise student is he who demonstrates what he has learned and makes this an essential part of every breath he takes." Wisdom is Love in action. Action is the key,...
A key to your enlightenment
This week we kick off another inspiring series based on the wisdom of Master of Yoga Dr George King. These extracts have been taken from an address that he gave called: 'Key to your spiritual progress'. In this week's extract Dr King gives us a key to our...
Kill laziness!
Most people are lazy…! And yet what have we learned in the last few weeks? That you, the Soul, can stand up and say to your conscious mind: “You will NOT be lazy! You will devote your time to helping others. You will do your spiritual practices. And you...
You are Spirit!
“I am Divine Spirit!” We might think we believe this, but do we really? One day we will not only believe it – but truly know it! The more we think about it, the more we affirm it – not just in our thoughts but in our actions – the more we will realize,...
Rise and Live!
This week's message is an inspiring call-to-action given to us by Mars Sector 6 – “Rise and Live”. Master of Yoga Dr George King reminds us all that in order to advance we must make our conscious minds the servants of our superconscious minds. Affirm to...
Procrastination is Soul Death
This week's message is an inspiring call-to-action given to us by Mars Sector 6 – “Rise and Live”. Master of Yoga Dr George King reminds us all that in order to advance we must make our conscious minds the servants of our superconscious minds. Affirm to...
Conscious man vs Superconscious man
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about the difference between an advanced person and an ordinary person – and one secret to bridging the gap. Full lecture available here: Click the...
The Power of Positivity
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about the real power of positive thinking, and its effect on your subconscious mind and everyday experience. Full lecture available here: Click the...
Function, Action and Inspiration
In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about the three major aspects of mind and their function in an extremely simple way that you will never forget! Full lecture available here: Click the...
The Allness of Mind
What makes a piece of paper different from a spoon? In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King reveals some of the fascinating metaphysics behind the building blocks of the Universe. Full lecture:
What is “Mind”?
Mind is one of those words we use all the time, without really questioning what it really is, or even where it really is...! In this week's extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King explains an aspect of the fascinating relationship between your brain and...
What you can do to become truly great
Master of Yoga Dr George King gives us an illustration of two Buddhas. Only one of them has found the path that will lead to salvation on Earth – not just for ourselves, but for all! Click the video below to play the audio extract "The measure of a Master...
Being wise – not clever
Extraordinary though Adepts are in comparison with the rest of us, even they too still have their lessons to learn. In this week's extract is a short story by Master of Yoga Dr George King with an important lesson for us all. This story illustrates the...
Contacting a Master on another realm
Contacting a Master directly on another realm is an extremely rare occurrence and takes a medium of extraordinary calibre. However, these Masters have other means of impressing their influence upon the physical realm in order to teach and help humanity to...
Adeptship and the higher planes
We are not alone – even on Earth! There are other planes of existence around Earth that are teeming with life. According to Master of Yoga Dr George King, there are four planes lower than this physical plane and six planes higher. They are themselves...
Why trance?
For more than 43 years Master of Yoga Dr George King was on call 24 hours a day, ready at a moment's notice to receive communications from advanced extraterrestrial intelligences. Approximately 600 of these communications were received in a positive type...
The difference between negative and positive trance
Not all trance is the same. In this week's extract Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about the difference between the positive, yogic form of trance, and the negative form. This is another way you can determine whether the medium, communicator and...
What it takes to be a good medium
Excellent mediums are outstanding in terms of both the spiritual content of the messages they can receive and their degree of accuracy in conveying the original message. Master of Yoga Dr George King is one such example. In this week's extract Dr King...
The simple secret to giving greater spiritual service
In this final lecture extract, Master of Yoga Dr George King reveals the simple secret of spiritual advancement and helping others. This is a key to your Enlightenment – and The Twelve Blessings makes it possible for all of us! The short extracts that we...
Expand your consciousness through the reality of God
The more we think about what God really is, the more we will help ourselves to appreciate the greatness of God – and advance! In this lecture extract Master of Yoga Dr George King discusses the awe-inspiring, consciousness-expanding reality of God! Click...
God in five words
In The Twelve Blessings The Master Jesus shatters centuries of misconception about God and the Universe, and offers us a greater understanding of what God really is in simple, straightforward language. He expresses himself in such a way that anyone can...
The only reason you are on Earth!
This week we have our final extract from the lecture entitled 'The Spiritual Energy Crisis' by Master of Yoga Dr George King. In this lecture Dr King talks about one sure way that we can all evolve ourselves and finally achieve the glorious initiation of...
How to reach your spiritual objective
This is an extract from the lecture entitled 'The Spiritual Energy Crisis' by Master of Yoga Dr George King. What we can all take away from this fantastic spiritual wisdom is that spiritual energy is real – and that using it in the correct way is key to...
Our Spiritual Energy crisis
This week's extract is from a lecture entitled 'The Spiritual Energy Crisis'. The crisis that Master of Yoga Dr George King is talking about is the fact that there are far too few people on Earth using spiritual energy in the correct way – and look at the...
You too can really shine
You too can become a shining spiritual light and help lead others to their own Spiritual Enlightenment! In this week's video extract from his commentary on the Eleventh Blessing, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about the way in which you gradually...
The breath of God – Your key to all Truth
The great outbreathing and inbreathing of the Absolute – God – really is your key to all spiritual truth! In this week's video extract from his commentary on the Eleventh Blessing, Master of Yoga Dr George King talks about the reason we are all here – and...
Rise upwards – you cannot ever truly stand still!
In spiritual matters, the right teaching is absolutely essential to you and your progress. "It is a well-known fact that the highest form of healing that any Master can give to his pupil is the right teaching! "No other type of healing is comparable with...
The difference between knowledge and realization
A couple weeks ago we shared an extract of Master of Yoga Dr George King talking about the living, breathing Galaxy; a being which has consciousness, just as we have consciousness, but on a vastly higher level...! In another Transmission, a Being known as...
Salvation for all – no such things as eternal hell
The concept of eternal hell is a primitive lie. This lie contradicts the greatness and the goodness of God. God is all. Therefore no part of creation can be damned for all eternity. Besides which, if God is all powerful why would he (or rather "it") create...
The living, breathing Galaxy
The Tenth Blessing is a blessing to that magnificent being in whom we reside, known as the Galaxy. Extraordinary though this truth is – the Galaxy is indeed a living being. In this week's extract, Dr George King talks further about this absolutely...
Don’t forget this ever when you pray…
Most of the time when we in The Aetherius Society – as King Yogis – talk about prayer, we are talking about unselfish prayer for the world as a whole or a situation in crisis, or spiritual healing for an individual in need. But it isn't wrong to pray for...
The karmic magic of The Twelve Blessings
As you know, when you practice The Twelve Blessings, you visualize a white light flowing outwards from your heart center and the palms of your hands to the focal point of the Blessing, e.g the Sun, or in this case, The Supreme Lords of Karma. But how do...
Conscious Gods
In this week's extract, Dr George King talks about what he calls "one of the most beautifully descriptive phrases in the whole of literature" – "Conscious Gods". It is taken from this sentence by the Master Jesus in the Ninth Blessing to The Supreme Lords...
The Sun is the God of the Bible
In this week's extract the Master Jesus shares one of the biggest truths he has ever revealed. In the words of Dr. George King, "Not in all the Bible. Not in all his teachings when he was on Earth 2000 years ago did Jesus ever make a sentence, two...
Send love to the Sun to raise your vibration and help everyone around you!
The Sun is a living God. It shines for 24 hours a day, for 365 days a year giving life itself to every single thing in this Solar System. Every time we do something – good, bad or indifferent – it is because of the Sun that we can do this. So why not try...
No one owns anything!
In the Eighth Blessing, the Master Jesus makes not just one but several startling revelations about the Sun. In the words of Dr George King, "One of the biggest Truths ever revealed by Jesus is in this Eighth Blessing. It's one of the most important...
What is “Reality”? – A story about the Lord Buddha
In this week's extract, Dr George King talks about having the faith and determination to find spiritual truth; in this case the direct experience of Reality. It's a word you hear a lot. "She needs a reality check." "He's so out of touch with reality." etc....
What you can do for the Mother Earth
Following last week's extract about the sacrifice the Mother Earth is making for our sake, this week Dr. George King talks about something that we can definitely all do for HER. And not just what we can do, but what the Master Jesus literally COMMANDS us...
One sentence about the Mother Earth that we should never forget!
In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King highlights one sentence in particular about the Mother Earth that we should NEVER forget! In his own words, "That one sentence alone. That one sentence alone, without anything else in this book could appear...
Don’t expect miracles, but don’t give up!
Dr. George King was clear that we should never overestimate our abilities, but also that we shouldn't underestimate them either. In his own words from the spiritual classic, You Too Can Heal: "Faith in your own ability is essential to success. To have too...
One of the best methods for all-round spiritual development
There are many spiritual practices we can use to develop ourselves. In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks about one of the best for all-round spiritual development. What does this mean? Yes, it will help you to develop and hone many psychic...
Live in everlasting thankfulness for experience
Life is unfair... Or is it...? Contrary to appearance, everything does indeed happen for a reason. Some of the "worst" – most difficult – experiences in our lives are in fact the most important to our growth as human beings. Gratitude for experience shows divine...
One of the great occult truths
Energy is flowing through us 24 hours a day. We are conditioning this energy with our thoughts and actions 24 hours a day. The energy we radiate – good, bad or indifferent – is the energy that the Devic Kingdom, or "Nature Spirits", use in order to create...
A personal experience with a storm Deva
In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks reluctantly about an extremely dangerous personal encounter with the Devic Kingdom, or "Nature Spirits". This is a priceless glimpse into the Devic Kingdom, given by a Master to illustrate the point for...
They can only use the power you send to them
In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks about The Devic Kingdom, otherwise known as "Nature Spirits". The Devic Kingdom is the aspect of consciousness governing apparently unconscious processes, like the action of a plant or a crystal...
Believe in yourself
In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks about the feats we can achieve when we have a balanced faith in our abilities, and what we must do if we are to take the first step towards freedom. Click the video below to play the audio extract "It's just like...
The two Buddhas
In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks about what he calls the "two Buddhas". In his illustration, Dr. King compares two approaches to spirituality. One will lead you to spiritual greatness – the other will not! Click the video below to play the audio...
The priceless gift of experience
In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks about the priceless gift of experience. What is experience? Experience is the opportunity for spiritual evolution. Our current experience – and our current opportunities – exist only thanks to the compassion,...
The true love of beings from other planets
In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks about the great living examples of unconditional love who have sacrificed more than we could possibly imagine to live among us and lead us towards God-realization. Click the video below to play the audio extract...
One of the great mysteries of all white magic
In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks about one of the many profound statements that the Master Jesus makes about true Love. In the words of Dr. King: "It's as deep as anything Krishna ever said. Deep as anything that you'll get in the Upanishads. It's...
The greatest energy in all the worlds!
In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks about the "greatest energy in all the worlds": "L-O-V-E is the most potent energy upon the Earth. It has one attribute that no other form of energy has. And I will tell you, and you will not see this written in any...
What you can do to heal the world!
The Aetherius Society is devoted to helping others and has been extremely active in the last month sending out spiritual energy to crises worldwide. Thank you to all of you who have been tuning in online and doing your own Twelve Blessings services too! In this week's...
A great promise of the Master Jesus
In The Twelve Blessings the Master Jesus says: " is written that when a few are gathered together in the Name of My Spirit, there will I be." In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks about this great promise of the Master Jesus, which is literally...
The difference you make every single day
How many of us realize that we are all cells in the body of humanity — and all an expression of the same Divine Source? In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks about the difference each and every one of us makes to the world every day, for good or bad,...
Who are the real Wise Ones?
Who does the Master Jesus mean when he talks about "the Wise Ones"? What does it mean to be truly wise? In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks about the "glorious and lasting contact" that these ones have made – and the sacrifice that they make for us...
What will it take to change the world?
What will it take to change the world into a vibrant community of lasting peace and enlightenment? In this week's lecture extract, Dr. George King talks about our Divine Self, the key to solving ALL the problems we face on Earth today, and the spiritual opportunity we...
Does anyone still believe politics is the answer?
Does anyone still believe politics is the answer to the problems we face on Earth today? This week's inspiration is a short commentary by Master of Yoga Dr. George King on the following words of the Master Jesus from The Twelve Blessings: “Oh workers, who in unselfish...
The sacred power of mantra
Mantra – the spiritual science of sacred sound – is one of the most powerful practices anyone can perform. In this week's video, Aetherius Society Minister Noémi Perkin and Minister-Elect Zascha Brésilley talk about the sacred power of mantra, which you can make a...
Setting up your sacred space
In this week's video, Aetherius Society Minister Noémi Perkin and Minister-Elect Zascha Brésilley talk about how you can create a sacred space for your spiritual practices at home. Noémi also gives us a tour of her altar area, including her Holy Shapes, which include...
Spiritual practices that will change the world!
In this week's video, Aetherius Society Minister Noémi Perkin and Minister-Elect Zascha Brésilley talk about putting personal spiritual development in its right place. Developing ourselves will change the world a bit, but it isn't enough by itself. We must learn to...
How to make time for your spiritual practices
King Yoga can be your path to Enlightenment. It teaches us to reach outwards in service, upwards to Truth, and inwards to the God-Spark within. Service to others is the most important aspect of all spirituality, but Truth and the dawning realization of what we really...
Finding your guide to spiritual truth
We each must choose who to follow as our guide to spiritual truth, but there are many false teachers on Earth. How do you weed out the fakes to save yourself the pain of bitter disappointment and wasted time? Dr. King said, "If your choice has been a good one, your...
What are spiritual practices?
Join us as we continue with our latest conversation series discussing the joys and challenges of making spiritual practices a part of our everyday lives, with Aetherius Society Minister Noémi Perkin and Minister-Elect Zascha Brésilley. In this week's video, Noémi and...
Making spiritual practices a part of our everyday lives
Join us for a fantastic new conversation series discussing the joys and challenges of making spiritual practice a part of our everyday lives, with Aetherius Society Minister Noémi Perkin and Minister-Elect Zascha Brésilley. In this week's video, Noémi and Zascha talk...
The importance of the Ascended Masters on Earth
In this week's video, International Director and Priest Alyson Lawrence gives us a deeper appreciation of the importance of the Ascended Masters (also known as The Great White Brotherhood) and their presence on Earth today. What would happen if they left? Why does...
Raise global consciousness with spiritual energy
International Director and Priest Alyson Lawrence concludes our series exploring the magic and spiritual science of dynamic prayer. In our final installment we talk about the spiritual energy crisis – what it is and what we can do to help inspire humanity to change...
Faith in the spiritual science of dynamic prayer
In this week's video, International Director and Priest Alyson Lawrence continues with a new series exploring the magic and spiritual science of dynamic prayer. This week she talks about faith, and the importance of letting spiritual energy really flow outwards during...
Raise the quality of your prayer
International Director and Priest Alyson Lawrence continues with a new series exploring the magic and spiritual science of dynamic prayer. How can you improve the spiritual quality of your prayer?
In our third installment, we talk about how you can cultivate the science of controlled emotion to channel a profound depth of feeling into your prayer.
The Dynamic Prayer Technique
In this week's video, International Director and Priest Alyson Lawrence continues with a new series exploring the magic and spiritual science of dynamic prayer. What does it mean to become a channel for spiritual energy? In our second installment, we show you how you...
The magic of dynamic prayer
In this week's video, International Director and Priest Alyson Lawrence introduces a new series exploring the magic and spiritual science of dynamic prayer. If prayer is not asking "God" for a favor, what is it? In our first installment, we talk about what prayer...
Give thanks to Nature Spirits
In this week’s video, International Director and Priest Alyson Lawrence continues our short series on the Fifth Blessing to explore the spiritual mysteries of the natural world – and our relationship with the invisible psychic forces all around us.
In our final installment, we talk about how we can each become one of the Thanksgivers ourselves…
Who are the Thanksgivers?
This focus focuses on the Thanksgivers – who are they? What do they do? How does their work benefit all of humanity?
What Nature Spirits are really like
What nature spirits are really like, from Alyson’s experiences of actually seeing real-life pixies and fairies, to the descriptions given by great seers.
The Nature Spirits
A short series exploring the spiritual mysteries of the natural world – and our relationship with the invisible psychic forces all around us.
Rise above conditioning
The inspiring words of the Master Jesus from the end of The Twelfth Blessing give us the key to success on our journey through experience.
The mysticism of The Twelve Blessings
In this week’s video, Richard guides us towards a deeper appreciation of the profound mystic poetry of the Master Jesus in The Twelve Blessings.
The Voice of the Master Jesus
Richard talks about two qualities which highlight the authenticity of The Twelve Blessings and of Dr. George King as a medium for advanced spiritual Masters.
Understanding mediumship
Richard Lawrence shares his own early experiences with mediumship and discusses some of the prerequisites essential to the advanced mediumship of Dr. King.
The unique mediumship of Dr. George King
In this week's video, international bestselling author Richard Lawrence gives us a deeper appreciation of the two crucial aspects that distinguish Master of Yoga Dr. George King as one of the most exceptional mediums in history – fit for The Twelve Blessings and some...
The greatest in all the System
In the Fourth Blessing the Master Jesus says, “When the record is written up by the hand of Truth, indeed will these Ones be classed among the greatest in all the System.”
The “secret of secrets”
There are dark forces in lower realms of our world who influence this world in which we live, and without understanding that we can’t really ever understand what happens here, which is on the face of it insane… this is an age for the fighter for spirituality; the fighter for truth; the fighter for light. And like these mighty Adepts, if we fight for light wherever we can, it will triumph.
Intelligent life elsewhere in this solar system
The Twelve Blessings awakens us to the reality of the living cosmos. It shatters age-old misconceptions about God and the universe, and introduces us to the amazing truth about intelligent extraterrestrial life – in this solar system. These enlightened extraterrestrial Masters have a spiritual message for us all – whether we feel ready to receive it or not!
In this week’s video, international bestselling author Richard Lawrence answers the questions of why we can’t see or detect them, and at what point they may reveal themselves to us.
What is a Cosmic Master?
In this week’s video, international bestselling author Richard Lawrence gives us an insight into these self-sacrificing, enlightened Masters from other planets in this solar system, including his own Master and personal friend – Dr. George King.
What is the true meaning of “Ascension”?
What does it really mean to be successful?
In this week’s video, international bestselling author Richard Lawrence cuts through the confusion surrounding Ascension to share with us its true meaning as taught by the great Master of Yoga Dr. George King.
What is the true meaning of “meditation”?
International bestselling author Richard Lawrence talks about meditation and its true meaning as taught by the great Master of Yoga Dr. George King.
What is a Spiritual Master?
A Master is someone who has raised the kundalini, fully, into the Christ Centre. They have demonstrated that… and then dedicated themselves in service.
What does Enlightenment really mean?
“Enlightenment” is a word used a lot in spiritual conversation – but what does it really mean?
In this week’s video, international bestselling author Richard Lawrence talks about the true meaning of Enlightenment as given by Master of Yoga Dr. George King and the Cosmic Masters.
Spiritual Truth: key to overcoming conditioning
What holds us back from realizing our inner potential?
In this week’s video Mark and Darren discuss the effects of fear and negative conditioning in our lives and the extraordinary power of spiritual truth.
Science, Religion and Oneness
In this week’s video Mark and Darren discuss the all-powerful God essence, the oneness of all life, and the difference between science and religion.
A secret to finding your life purpose
Conversations Are you looking for your life purpose? In this week's video Mark and Darren discuss the ultimate secret to finding meaning in your life. When we detach from dogma, prejudice and materialism, we begin to hear that true Divine guidance which comes from our...
Thoughts on happiness, depression and spirituality
The happiness that you get from money or even relationships cannot compare to the happiness that you will eventually feel through doing the right thing; through making your life first and foremost about helping others to realize their divinity.
Real spirituality vs fake spirituality
What does it really mean to be spiritual, and does judgment have a place in our spiritual lives?
The Meaning of Life
Catch a new video series entitled “The Meaning of Life”, based on the outstanding spiritual wisdom given by and through Master of Yoga Dr. George King!
Thoughts on Free Will
In this week’s video Mark and Darren talk about God and free will. What responsibility do we have for our own actions? Are we in control of our destiny? What is the purpose of evil and suffering? Does everything happen according to fate?
Thoughts on Karma
In this week’s video Mark and Darren discuss what karma is, how it works, and its real purpose. Discover the true nature of karma as a logical, all-encompassing principle, which exists to teach us life’s essential lessons so we can grow and evolve.
Why is there poverty and suffering in the world?
This week’s video post deals with the question of why there is so much poverty and suffering in the world and what responsibility we each have, if any, to do something about it.
Cosmic Warfare
Strange as it may sound, Cosmic warfare does exist – but it is handled in a way that is literally alien to us in our backward state of evolution on Earth.
Our relationship with the Mother Earth
Mark and Darren reflect on the qualities demonstrated by the Masters. The focus of this video is our relationship with the blessed Mother Earth.
The detachment of Cosmic Avatars from worldly values
Cosmic Avatars demonstrate a complete detachment from the expectations of society and the vanities of this world, and in this way are an example for us all.
A conversation on Bravery
Mark and Darren discuss true bravery as exemplified by the Masters and in the ancient mystical symbolism of the Cross, which predates Christianity, and offers the key to our own resurrection.
A conversation on Wisdom
In this week’s video Mark and Darren discuss the true meaning of wisdom as given by Dr. George King, and the most important question we can each ask ourselves on the spiritual path.
The truth about the Master Jesus
The Master Jesus, as revealed through The Twelve Blessings, is literally a world away from the conventional interpretation that so many people have been taught for centuries. In this short series, Mark Bennett and Darren Ball are back to discuss some of the outstanding qualities of this Master and what these can teach us about our own inner potential as well as the living Cosmos we are a part of.
The true meaning of the New Age
Over the next four weeks we will be sharing with you a conversation about the true meaning of the New Age and its implications for all life on Earth, as revealed by the Cosmic Masters through Dr. King.
The truth about prayer
Catch a conversation between Mark Bennett and Darren Ball in a short series on dynamic prayer, and how you can become a better channel for spiritual energy.
Key to inner peace with a simple practice you can use
Most of us struggle in our lives to find even a few minutes of silence, let alone real inner peace. This is a key – and a simple practice – for inner peace.
The final chapter of Easter – in 1959
The final chapter of Easter was written on April 11th 1959. Learn about the great beings of light who overcame the dark forces behind the crucifixion.
The promise of Christmas – Jesus speaks again
As we approach the Christmas season it is always good to remind ourselves of what it is that we are actually celebrating and why.
In our mad world it can be all too easy to toss the turkey in the oven and at the same time throw the baby out of the manger.
We are talking of course about a baby whose initial birth and subsequent life was shrouded in mystery, and is still very little understood even today.
What should we do when disaster strikes?
How can we respond to disasters when they unfold, as indeed they have most recently with the terrible attacks in Paris; but also in the future, either in the form of so-called “man-made” disasters or otherwise?
7 tips to make your prayers work better
There is a tendency to believe that all we have to do to make our prayers work is say the right words, and then it’s up to God.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
How effective our prayers are depends on how well we perform the practice of prayer.
This is because prayer is not a supernatural appeal to a whimsical God – it is an invocation of spiritual energy from the Divine Source.
This energy is no less real than an energy like electricity, and there will come a time when science will be able to detect and measure this energy.
The first step is to use a prayer technique that will make spiritual energy flow freely through us. The best technique that I know of is that taught by Dr. George King described on our Getting Started page.
In this blogpost I will share with you my experience of how you can make your prayers even more effective, using Dr. King’s amazing prayer technique and benefiting from his remarkable insights into how prayer really works.
What to pray for – 8 tips to make the world a better place
It is shocking to see how prayer has been abused over the centuries – and is still being abused today in many religions around the world.
Let us think about what prayer is. It is an appeal to the Supreme Being. To that which precedes time and is more infinite that space. To that which created us and all things countless aeons ago. To that which is our essence, and, ultimately, after millions of lives of experience and evolution – is our destiny.
Einstein, Jung and Douno: Prophets of a new cosmic spirituality
Underlying every aspect of the profound change our world finds itself now experiencing is one essential, unifying thread: that it is humanity which is in crisis. We have lost our sense of identity, of who we are and of what this existence called Life is really all about.
However, we can take some solace from the observation of Carl Jung more than sixty years ago when he wrote: “It seems to me that we are only at the threshold of a new spiritual epoch.” In much the same vein, his long‐standing and no less brilliant friend Albert Einstein, similarly observed “that the religion of the future will be a cosmic religion…”
A Vedantin’s perspective on The Twelve Blessings (interview)
Last week I talked with Andre Van Zyl, a lay-member of The Vedanta Society of Southern California.
He gave me his Vedantic perspective of The Twelve Blessings, the profound spiritual truths given by the Cosmic Avatar, the Master Jesus, through Master of Yoga Dr. George King in 1958, two thousand years after he had appeared on Earth.
Our conversation was a beautiful affirmation of the perspective on Cosmic Oneness we both share. And it was not the only one we did share…
The Spirits of Nature – give praise to these
“Thrice Blessed are those who send their Power and Love to the Devas.” – The Master Jesus, from The Fifth Blessing
When we pray what we are doing is sending out a beam of mental energy – of love energy – to the object of our prayer.
But that vibration is also going out to our environment where it is picked up and manipulated by the Devic Kingdom who dwell throughout nature.
The Gospel according to the Master Jesus
At the very heart of traditional Christian teaching is the so-called Sermon on the Mount. According to the Gospel of Saint Matthew, Jesus delivered this to his disciples on a mountain. They would not have been able to write it down as he gave it – in fact it is possible that none of those present were literate.
This lengthy discourse would have had to be committed to memory and then passed down orally, possibly for decades, before it was put in writing. There is no suggestion that either the disciples or those they taught had the faculty of perfect recall, as was claimed in Vedic times for example, so it is inevitable that a number of errors must have crept in.
There is then the process of translation from one language to another, e.g. Aramaic Greek to Latin to seventeenth-century English. As it passed through various documents, there would be plenty of room for further mistakes both in determining the exact meaning of certain words and in transcribing them correctly.
Most corrosive of all was the direct and deliberate interference in Christian teachings by the politically-motivated Councils of the early Church. Who knows what alterations they might have made to whatever documents came under their purview? Sadly this leaves us with a Sermon somewhat different from that which was originally spoken on the Mount.
The Violet Flame of transmutation
This is the Violet Flame.
It comes from the beloved Mother Earth, the holiest being we will ever physically touch.
In fact The Seventh Blessing tells us more about the Mother Earth than we’ve heard before – and from a Master – the Master Jesus – who really knows.
This sacrificing being of love is always willing to let us share and experience – and use – the protective presence of Her Violet Flame.
The cosmic truth about Easter
Easter has traditionally been seen as the most important festival in the Christian calendar, but until now it has not been fully understood.
We are very fortunate in these days to have been given a full explanation by one who really knows, Dr. George King. In doing so, the Aquarian Master of logic has revealed the true mission of the Piscean Master of love.
Increasingly biblical scholars and historians are questioning the orthodox account of the events leading up to the crucifixion. When facts are staring you in the face you can’t alter them by looking the other way.
Astrology of transformation – final initiation of the Uranus Pluto square and total solar eclipse
The current post-2012 era and full solar eclipse represents the ultimate meeting of the individual and the collective. It is a time of transformation.
I believe this era will go down as one of the most important in our long history on this planet.
And I do not believe that it was by chance The Twelve Blessings was delivered to this Earth in 1958, just a few years before the beginning of the cosmic dance of the two planets of transformation – Uranus and Pluto in the 1960s.
Perhaps even more significantly, The Twelve Blessings was given 52 years before it was originally intended.
An experiment with the power of prayer – parts I & II
In my last post I told you about an experience that I had at University, which set me on the road to dynamic prayer and The Twelve Blessings.
This week we’re going to try an experiment with two willing cooperators, Pete and Noemi, who are both very experienced with The Twelve Blessings but, perhaps like yourself, have never done this particular exercise before.
The idea is to help everyone to realize the reality of the power of prayer, and the reality of the universal life force which flows throughout the cosmic system and can be invoked by YOU.
We’re going to see as we film it whether it works and what effect it has. This is something you might want to try at home with somebody who is open minded and willing to do this with you.
Experience the power of prayer energy
I first discovered what we call dynamic prayer attending a talk at Hull University, where I was a student of music and drama in the early 70’s. What I experienced changed my life forever. It could change yours too.
The Aetherius Society speaker told us all, members of the Buddhist and Vedanta Society, which I belonged to in those days, how to send energy out to the world – and I’m going to show you exactly what he taught us then.
Love is the real White Magic
We filmed this post in July 2014, but the message is as relevant now as it ever was when we first recorded it.
There is an urgency with The Twelve Blessings today. It is how we can infuse that pure, potent, mystical – beautiful – energy of Love so desperately needed into the madness of our world. And this is what we are all being called to do at this time.
This work is the real White Magic of ancient yoga philosophy and western mysticism – how everyone, inspired with a pure motive, can send out spiritual energy to the world.