Reach upwards
Last week we talked about thinking about God more as a way to “reach upwards.”
“Reaching upwards” is a common theme in The Twelve Blessings.
Here again the Master Jesus talks about it in the prayer following the Seventh Blessing:
Oh Mighty Creator,
Let the Wondrous Beams of Your Majestic Power
Flow through all the children upon the Earth—
this very moment.
So that they may reach upwards and realise
The Divinity of their heritage.
How else can we reach upwards to God?
We can study the wisdom of those greater than ourselves.
Even simply reading a spiritual book, like The Twelve Blessings or The Nine Freedoms, and allowing its wisdom to sink into your consciousness, will change your vibration. And the greater the teachings, the more they will change you.
Your vibration will become that little bit higher. Your knowledge will be that little bit greater – and this will, if you let it, permeate the whole of your thinking.
This knowledge will help you to better navigate your own personal journey through experience, including how to serve others.
The lessons in these experiences will teach you to live and act as the God-Spark within you would have you live and act; so that you can transmute your “bad” karma and create “good” karma instead.
“Good” karma will give you more of the experiences you need to attain this wisdom and speed up your journey to Enlightenment.
Of course one way we can all serve others is by radiating spiritual energy to help raise the consciousness of everybody on Earth.
Tune in this week together with other spiritual workers to help change the world with spiritual energy.