A Master’s advice about the New Year
At the beginning of 1966, Master of Yoga Dr. George King gave some advice about the year ahead which is as applicable now as it was then:
“What the higher intelligences have in store for us this year, I do not know, but whatever it is, it will be opportunity, magnificent, superb, wonderful—and it will give us a chance to make our strides forward. After all, that’s why we are all here, to stride forward along the true, the dedicated, spiritual path of service to mankind, and such is a noble calling indeed; in fact, there is no more noble calling than that.
So, we should face the new year fired with hope and use our activities in the right way. And this time next year, if we do this, we will not regret it…”
Thank you for all of your efforts in 2022 for our online Services. The energy that we have all sent out must have made a great difference in the world. We hope that 2023 is an uplifting and spiritually joyful year for you.