Service – Religion of the future
Master of Yoga Dr. George King was a man of action. He knew that practical, selfless spiritual service was the key to a New Age on Earth.
In fact, he said that any organisation that was not giving Service would not exist in this New Age. It is those people and organisations giving Service to others that will succeed!
In this week’s extract Dr King talks about service in an extract from The Nine Freedoms. The Nine Freedoms are a series of cosmic transmissions (communications) given by a great and wise extraterrestrial intelligence known as “Mars Sector 6”, through the trance mediumship of Dr. George King. Purchase the full lecture:
Click the video below to play the audio extract
“…service is becoming more and more important in these days, because it is the new yoga of the age. It is the new religion.
“It will bypass all other religions. It will see all other religions out and transmuted into religions of service.
“And now I’ll throw something out on the astral realms and the mental realms of this Earth. And hearken to it, because here is a prophecy which will turn out to be true, as sure as you are and I am.
“There will come a day when all religious beliefs will be transmuted into the action of service to others. And those religions which today—and there are some—are purely academic religions, will be replaced. They’ll be wiped off the surface of the Earth if necessary.
“And this, too, appertains to all societies, clubs, committees, whatever they might call themselves as belonging to this, that or the other. Unless those organizations are planned—or can be planned—in such a way that they give service to others—even if it’s only to two or three—nevertheless gives service to others, they will be replaced.
“There is no place for them in the new world. There cannot be.
“Now there are many organizations about which are giving service. They’re giving service to the people who belong to the organization. They often give service to people outside.
“They’re organizations which send out prayers and help and healing, and so on, to all the world, irrespective of who they are. Such organizations as these will last.
“But those very tight little cliques—and there are some in this country and in Europe who are only concerned with some teaching, which came through two hundred years ago anyway, and they are now purely theoretical organizations—can close their book today or it’ll be closed for them. That’s it.
“And those statements are now stamped on the Akashic Records and can never be erased by anyone, and they are true, as you will see. Most of you already realize this, maybe even realized it years ago, and are serving in one way or the other.
“I know some of you belong to groups who are serving by sending out healing and power, and so on—to the world and to the country—as well as to your own congregations. You are the people who will succeed. No matter what is thrown against you—you will succeed.
– Master of Yoga Dr George King
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