Become what you believe and be great
In this week’s extract Dr King gives us another key to our enlightenment.
He says:
“…the wise student is he who demonstrates what he has learned and makes this an essential part of every breath he takes.”
Wisdom is Love in action. Action is the key, because the resulting reaction will be those experiences which will help you to attain even greater wisdom still.
Full lecture available here: https://www.aetherius.org/shop/key-to-your-spiritual-progress/
Click the video below to play the audio extract
“The average student though, is suffering from laziness and indolence, and I’m afraid he is. I’m afraid there is an awful lot of laziness in all of us. There is an awful lot of indolence in all of us.
“We have to fight hard to overcome this, and it’s not easy. It’s easy to talk about, but it’s not easy to do. However, it is rewarding.
“The exceptional student is very different for he tries to demonstrate what he has learned and make this an essential part of every breath he takes.
“He becomes a better person. He becomes a more versed person. He becomes more adept at everything he does. If it’s his day-to-day job, he’s the best at it. If it’s his spiritual job, he tries to be the best at that too. He tries to make a success of everything he does. Always, always, though, with the motive in mind of putting things in their correct order of priority. His spiritual life must at all times come before his material life.
“One is necessary and can help the other, because you will not progress if you have to starve yourself to death – definitely not.
“So therefore, you must have the material means in order to look after your body etc, etc – or you may have responsibilities with children – in order to look after them, to help in your progression as well. We have to be balanced about it; really balanced about it.
“However, the spiritual life is the most important one.”
– Master of Yoga Dr George King
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