Making spiritual practices a part of our everyday lives

by Jun 22, 2017

Join us for a fantastic new conversation series discussing the joys and challenges of making spiritual practice a part of our everyday lives, with Aetherius Society Minister Noémi Perkin and Minister-Elect Zascha Brésilley.

In this week’s video, Noémi and Zascha talk about how anyone can begin spiritual practices to answer the inner prompting towards spirituality and express their Soul.

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[Zascha] So Noémi, why spiritual practices? Why are they important? Why should we do them?

[Noémi] I think it’s a fair question. We live in a very busy society, don’t we? We go to work, then we’ve got our family, then we’ve got our health to take care of… People are becoming more and more health conscious, so they out jogging; go to the gym; do some yoga or pilates…different physical exercises to try to keep our physical body healthy, which is so crucial, without a doubt.

But I don’t think many people ask the question: what about my spiritual health? Do we? After all, we are spiritual beings. We know that. We have been told that we are Spirit. That within us there is a God Spark or spark of Divinity; this unmanifested part of God, which is within us – every one of us.

We have been told that we are Spirit; that within us there is a God Spark or spark of Divinity; this unmanifested part of God, which is within us – every one of us.

It makes this wonderful connection with everyone on this planet, in this solar system, in the whole of creation. We’ve got this wonderful connection.

And so if we are a spiritual man, then we have to nourish ourselves with spiritual practices, because over the years and over the lives we have built around ourselves barriers, if you like, around the soul, which we carry on with us every time we die, we pass on, and then we reincarnate. The soul will remember all the experiences – everything we’ve seen, everything we’ve heard, everything we have experienced… So the soul is bathed in the light of the Spirit. But because we have wrapped around ourselves, through wrong thought and action, layers upon layers of limitation it can’t shine as much as it should shine – as a spiritual being would shine.

But because we have wrapped around ourselves, through wrong thought and action, layers upon layers of limitation it can’t shine as much as it should shine – as a spiritual being would shine.

So what we have to do through our spiritual practices is take away these layers, which are wrapped around the soul, to allow it to shine. And there are wonderful practices that we can do to achieve this.

[Zascha] So it’s a bit like… I suppose just with physical exercise it only goes so far because there’s a certain yearning within… that you feel that you need to be silent, or be away from the noise and things like that. So, I think everyone gets to a point where they naturally feel that soul call, as it were…

I think everyone gets to a point where they naturally feel that soul call, as it were…

[Noémi] That’s right. It’s interesting. If you look at people all around you, generally speaking spirituality is not reflected in the world, otherwise we wouldn’t have wars, we wouldn’t have poverty, we wouldn’t have an extremely rich class. There would be much more balance in the world throughout. And, we would live in peace and in harmony, which would be wonderful and which one day will happen.

But yes, people talk about many repressions, but no one talks about soul repression. So people are searching for something…. They’re searching for happiness. They want to be loved.

People want to be loved. And that’s what they’re looking for mainly, but we can receive this love energy, this true love that you don’t necessarily get from another individual but you get it in a much more purer form…

Recommended reading: Realize Your Inner Potential through the Path of Spiritual Service – King Yoga.

This series features Alyson Lawrence, An International Director of The Aetherius Society and a Priest in the Aetherius Churches.

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