The true meaning of the New Age
In the New Age, July the 8th will be a day all people will celebrate.
It will be an occasion on which everyone will demonstrate their tremendous gratitude and reverence for the great Goddess Earth who, in compassion, gives us the opportunity of invaluable experience in life after life upon her back so that we can make the journey back towards the Divine.
You can help in sowing these seeds of truth in the consciousness of humanity by sharing this message about The Mother Earth, and by sending your blessings of gratitude to this Divine being to whom we owe so much.
Blessed indeed is The Mother Earth!
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Let us think about these things; about the sacrifice made by the Mother Earth; about her initiation, and let us spread these truths, abroad.
The Seventh Blessing is surely one of the most tragic, beautiful and important teachings that we have ever received.
Something we should contemplate upon and practice very regularly indeed, and in it the Master Jesus says this:
“Blessed is She, Who, instead of taking the unlimited gowns allowed to this Goddess, did accept material limitation, so that you–the lower Aspects of God–could walk through experience back to God again.”
She has been offered countless opportunities of high initiation – the gowns, the unlimited gowns offered to the Mother Earth represent these initiations and she has turned them down.
But, six years after this blessing was delivered, on July 8th 1964 she did indeed receive her Primary Initiation – the most important event since her inception as a planet. Very timely that we should consider this. But even now she’s holding back the effects of this initiation which will herald in the New Age.
So what can we do about this? The Master Jesus tells us…
“You are commanded to think of these things and spread them like seeds of Truth, abroad. Then, dear friends, you will be helping the Great One in the limitation She has accepted on your behalf.”
Let us obey this commandment given to us by the Master Jesus.
Let us think about these things; about the sacrifice made by the Mother Earth; about her initiation, and let us spread these truths, abroad.
Following our annual celebration on July the 8th of the Initiation of Earth in 1964 we have filmed a special series with international bestselling author and Executive Secretary for The Aetherius Society in Europe, Richard Lawrence.
Over the next four weeks, we will be sharing with you a conversation about the true meaning of the New Age and its implications for all life on Earth, as revealed by the Cosmic Masters through Dr. King.
– What is the New Age really about?
– What are the choices we will have to make in this time of transition?
– What will those choices mean for our future – on this planet or another?
– How can we prepare ourselves and others so that as many people as possible can go into the New Age?
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It’s about the planet. It’s not actually about humanity. We’re a side effect of it. The Earth is going to change. And the question is: will we change with her?
[Darren] So we’re talking today about July the 8th 1964 and what that revelation really meant for the world as a whole, and particularly the New Age movement and what that means.
[Richard] The New Age movement, through the centuries – and it does go back thousands of years in a way in that there are early prophecies about the New Age and biblical records, in Sanskrit legends or records, in the Greek legends, in Native American and other parts of the world legends… There’s a reference to this time of a great new paradise, a new heaven upon Earth, a wonderful time often just preceded by a great cataclysm, and a sorting, and sometimes even, in some of these legends, a destruction of people – of part of the human race.
And it’s very evocative of that statement in the Seventh Blessing:
“She has not, as yet, demanded that you change–or leave.”
But what I think the New Age movement as a whole does not understand is the reason for it, and that reason is what you referred to there: the initiation of Earth on July the 8th 1964.
It’s about the planet. It’s not actually about humanity. We’re a side effect of it. The Earth is going to change. And the question is: will we change with her?
In The Twelve Blessings, you’ll see right in the early pages it’s described as The Cosmic Concept for the new Aquarian Age. And it’s a New Age teaching. It was delivered for the New Age. In fact, it was delivered earlier than was originally planned – some 50 years earlier or more. And so it’s absolutely for the Aquarian Age as it will be. It’s, therefore, a more logical expression, a more complete expression, and the cosmic revelations are made which were not made before.
And in the Seventh Blessing which we’re focussing on as we’re chatting here, it’s very clear that we’re commanded to think about this, and this is of vital importance. And there’s that telling statement of course, “She has not, as yet, demanded that you change or–leave.”
To understand that, though, you need to see it in this Aquarian logical manner. It’s not a threat. It’s not God full of rage punishing iniquity or this sort of thing that you might get in some Biblical prophecies. It’s a natural sorting, a natural choice that people can make, and will make consciously and unconsciously, in this period of transition.
This is the biggest and most important revelation that’s been made about the initiation of Earth. Everything flows from that.
And some people they see it as a punishment for those who aren’t ready. And that again is not the way of looking at it. There’s no such thing really as a punishment in the law. There’s teaching in the law of karma, not punishment for the sake of punishment. It’s all to help us to grow and evolve and learn.
What does it mean, “She has not, as yet, demanded that you change–or leave.” Leave to go where? And the answer to that is given in The Aetherius Society teachings, which is leave to go to another planet, but go there in order to learn. Those people who just cannot withstand the high bombardment of spiritual energy which will come in the New Age, as what was called the ionosphere comes down and so on… that will not be liveable for people who don’t make the changes internally.
[Darren] Do you mean that that would be a more appropriate classroom for them to learn and evolve and make their journey back to God?
[Richard] Absolutely. I mean, it’s not desirable. It’s not something anyone should seek. We should all, I believe, seek to prepare ourselves for the New Age and try and help others to prepare themselves for the New Age so that as many people as possible are ready and can move, if you like, with the Mother Earth into this – into her New Age. It’s her age not ours. But for those who don’t do that, who choose not to do it, again it’s not like they’re going to be… you know, you can come, you can’t come. It’s people who will make that out of their own choice. And those who just resist spiritual change, they will need, we’re told, to go, as you rightly say, to another classroom in order to learn. That’s why we’re all here.
[Darren] So when we talk about that personal choice that we’re making in order to make that inner change within ourselves, what would those choices be like, or what things would we be choosing?
[Richard] I think some of the choices are quite conscious. If, for example, you know the teachings of The Aetherius Society then it’s spelt out for you very, very clearly. In the book, for example, You Are Responsible, the final chapter of that book is called: The Initiation of Earth. And there, the communicator Mars Sector Six, great, great intelligence who gave The Nine Freedoms, he spells out that choice, as indeed does the Master Aetherius.
But I think some of the choice will also be unconscious. It’ll be people who are drawn, even superconscious, drawn intuitively to the light in a whole variety of ways. There isn’t one way. The Aetherius Society is a way I recommend. Obviously I believe it’s the most effective way or I’d be somewhere else, but it’s not the only way. But people will make those choices and if they’re drawn to the light, they’re also preparing themselves.
Now, the key thing that we are told is that service is the order of the day. So, you’re not doing it primarily for yourself, you’re doing it for others. But in doing that, say practicing The Twelve Blessings as we do online on Saturdays and on Sundays, you’re doing it for others – you’re sending energy out to the world. But you must also change your own consciousness every time you do it. Every time you do it you will be risen – to some degree – could be a great degree – and changed forever. And that too is a preparation for the New Age.
If we wanted one good reason to change ourselves, let’s do it for her. Let’s do it for her because she is waiting. She could change now, as the Master Jesus says, and force us to either move on or get out. But she isn’t doing that… because we can’t take it, most of us on this Earth.
[Richard] The compassion of the Mother Earth is a phenomenon which… we’ve never known of anything more loving than this, and it’s something that unfortunately isn’t stressed, or even known about particularly, in certain earlier teachings than The Aetherius Society.
It’s perhaps the most important message we can bring in these days.
We came to Earth, according to theosophical writings and in our belief in the Society, over 18 million years ago and throughout that period, at least, she has put off her initiations so that we can flourish and yet we, the human race, the whole of the human race, not only on the physical plane but the whole of the human race on all the realms put together, is less important as a being than the planet.
This is the trouble with humanity. We’re so arrogant. We’re looking at it always from our point – our selfish point – of view.
[Darren] I think it’s almost epitomised in that we talk a lot about preserving the environment for ourselves, or preserving the planet for future generations, but it’s actually… those are both almost, not irrelevant, but so much less relevant than the Mother Earth herself as an entity and her own advancement.
[Richard] I mean what we need is spiritual ecology. And there’s a chapter of Dr. King’s book which I was honoured to co-author with him, Contacts With The Gods From Space, about spiritual ecology.
You know he was an ecologist almost, well, before the word was really born. He was motivated, I believe, more by his compassion and love and devotion to the Mother Earth even – and that’s a big even – than his devotion to humanity. He was devoted to both.
If we wanted one good reason to change ourselves, let’s do it for her. Let’s do it for her because she is waiting. She could change now, as the Master Jesus says, and force us to either move on or get out. But she isn’t doing that.
Even now she’s had her initiation and she’s holding it back and she’s not receiving the cosmic bombardment that she could be receiving because we can’t take it, most of us on this Earth.
And so it behooves us, not for ourselves, not even for each other but for her, to really get our act together and make a spiritual change. That’s the most important thing we can do. More important than politics, by far; more important than materialism, by far; is make that spiritual change.
We, the human race, have an enormous, massive, unpayable debt to the Mother Earth… And every time one person doing the Seventh Blessing sends energy to Her with love, with thankfulness, with appreciation, it may be small in the scheme of things but it’s definitely a move in the right direction in rectifying, to some tiny degree, that gross karmic imbalance.
If you’re able to do a mission like Operation Sunbeam as The Aetherius Society is privileged to perform with the Gods from space, then of course it’s extremely powerful on behalf of the whole of the human race, because here you have human beings cooperating in a mission which is designed to benefit – actually tangibly benefit – to some degree the Mother Earth…
[Darren] You talked about spiritual ecology, what do you mean by that?
[Richard] Service to the planet. I mean an appreciation of her as a being. I mean not preserving the ecological environment for the sake of ourselves, our grandchildren, our future generations and so on, but preserving the environment for her.
And, I also mean working at a spiritual level, such as some of the missions of The Aetherius Society do. They work directly at a spiritual level to bring ecological change.
In other words, rather like a spiritual healer with an individual, by balancing out and harmonizing and healing the aura of the patient it must reflect on the physical. In the same way, if you work at a spiritual ecological level, if you like, on the aura of the Mother Earth, even, if you’re able to as we are in Operation Sunbeam, using the psychic centres of the Mother Earth, this will reflect then on the physical and has done already. The world would be in far more dire straits by now if it hadn’t been for these missions.
[Darren] A lot of people when they talk about the Earth it seems that what they’re really talking about is nature and giving an appreciation to nature, and sending out that love and that gratitude to nature as a whole around the world, but what you’re talking about sounds much more direct about the Earth itself as an entity.
[Richard] Yes. If you’re able to send energy – and this is an advanced concept – directly (and by the way, we, the physical human members of The Aetherius Society can’t do this. We need help to do this, and that’s why… the fact that we cooperate with the Gods from space and they can do it and we can play a part in it.) That energy can be sent, as you say, not into the ethers around the Earth, or the Devic realms around the Earth, but directly to the planet herself.
And it’s not that she needs this, per se, from us, but it’s the fact that we do it. And hopefully, it will be to some small degree beneficial for her as a being. I’m sure it is.
Now, having said that though every time you do the Seventh Blessing you’re performing a karmic act, because even though the energy that you send out will not go directly into her being it will be a representation of your devotion and the more devotion you feel when you do that Seventh Blessing; the more love for her that you feel and that you express, the stronger will be that karmic effort, if you like, to balance the gross imbalance at the moment between us and Her.
[Darren] When you say karmic imbalance, what does that mean and how does doing The Twelve Blessings help to rebalance that?
[Richard] What it simply means is that we, the human race, have an enormous, massive, unpayable debt to the Mother Earth.
And if you look at our history, and you look at earlier civilizations – Lemuria, Atlantis and the devastation that was wrought – you can see clearly in ancient records that atomic weaponry was used before this generation, way back hundreds of thousands of years ago actually. And this is the havoc we’ve wrought. Never mind the pollution and all the other things that we do unthinkingly; the drilling for oil without her permission et cetera et cetera. This has wrought a tremendous debt. That’s what I mean by karmic imbalance.
And every time one person doing the Seventh Blessing sends energy to Her with love, with thankfulness, with appreciation, it may be small in the scheme of things but it’s definitely a move in the right direction in rectifying, to some tiny degree, that gross karmic imbalance.
If you’re able to do a mission like Operation Sunbeam as The Aetherius Society is privileged to perform with the Gods from space, then of course it’s extremely powerful on behalf of the whole of the human race, because here you have human beings cooperating in a mission which is designed to benefit – actually tangibly benefit – to some degree the Mother Earth and that’s a wonderful thing. I mean it’s tiny in comparison to what we owe her, but it’s a start.
When you say “it’s unpayable”, I mean on the one hand you could take that in a very negative way and think “well, what’s the point?”, but what’s the positive way to take that?
Well by “unpayable” I mean “in its entirety”, because there’s simply nothing that we can do that she needs that we can repay her with. But there is a concept of divine cancellation. And we should still do all we can…
I mean the one big thing we can do, as well as practicing the Seventh Blessing and sending our love and appreciation to Her, is work tirelessly to bring spiritual change on this Earth so that humanity changes as a whole.
And every time we do The Twelve Blessings online it’s changing humanity as a whole to some degree. And in a direct manner, not an indirect manner like a yogi meditating in a cave. That does affect humanity but indirectly in a way.
This is a direct impregnation of energy outwards through The Twelve Blessings and that is going to help her because she has decided to wait. We won’t go on forever though because greater beings even than her – the supreme Lords of Karma, for example – will one day say: no, you must change now.
And so my message would be: to seize this moment. We can’t… rest on our laurels here. Time will run out. It’s possible that by now in the original scheme of things, had it not been for interventions through The Aetherius Society and possibly other agencies, it would be upon us already through cataclysm as prophesied; through dire catastrophe that might have brought it about already… And this would be dire for most people, but that hasn’t happened yet and in some ways for most people the longer we’ve got the better because they have that chance of change, but they have to change…
[Darren] I’m not sure where I heard it, it may have been you yesterday in fact; we were talking about “a saint is just a sinner who never gave up“. And actually a lot of the message that the Cosmic Masters give us is an extremely positive one. You talked about the “cosmic glass half full”… what the Master Aetherius has told us, and what Mars Sector 6 has told us, and I wonder if you could share a little bit of that…
[Richard] I find the cosmic teachings of The Aetherius Society the most positive source; it’s like a well of spiritual positivity. It’s absolutely fantastic. [12.4]
[00:00:34] They will look at the human race – Mars Sector Six, for example, and the Master Aetherius has said it in a different way to, and say, yes, you’ve fallen lower than any other race in this solar system – lower than was even anticipated – but look at that in a positive way. They don’t say it in these words, but look at it in a positive way. Your rise to glory, which must come, must come, we’re all going to go back to God. No one’s finished. No one’s permanently out the loop; we’re all going back. This will be the most glorious rise that we’ve ever seen. What a cosmic glass half full approach.
[Richard] Well what comes over to me from the Master Aetherius is this tremendous faith in us. And if you study him enough, that rubs off on you and you start to have a faith in your own potential because he has a faith. He knows. He says you can do this. He’s appealing to us, but he’s telling us, come on, you can do it.
And it comes over so clearly – so often – in his teachings that in the end, if you immerse yourself in them enough, you start to really believe it, yes, and you start to realize it. So you must become a more positive person yourself. And it’s very, very empowering.
[Darren] And I have to say as well about the Master Jesus in The Twelve Blessings, everything he says is so beautifully said and inspiring. I mean he’s just sort of drawing you into your own spirituality, in a way that is so magnetic actually. You really feel like I can… The way he describes love, for example, and the way that he described that love flowing from your spirit to your soul… You almost feel that “I could find that peace and share it with the entire world. I could send out this love to the entire world.”
[Richard] That’s very true. And the Master Jesus is such a beautiful, if I may use that term, intelligence – being. I mean, the very fact I think that that being exists… I think everybody, kind of somewhere inside them, they know, whatever religion they are, that this is a beautiful expression of spirituality, virtually in his whole persona, and that of itself gives hope – that such a being could exist of that beauty and perfection is like an illustration of Divinity.
[Darren] I think in The Twelve Blessings it’s really that living model and example that he’s given us that we can be not only this positive force for change but also that we can epitomize this living, beautiful spirituality which comes out in the expression of service – that love in action – to take us forward into this new Aquarian Age.
[Richard] And he’s telling us about other beings who, next to whom he will say he’s naught, virtually. Those aren’t his exact words, but the Mother Earth, as we’re talking here, and her Divine patience – her tremendous compassion – and the Sun, the Mighty Sun.
Likewise in The Nine Freedoms, Mars Sector 6 will give a message… The whole essence of The Nine Freedoms could be summed up as hope, because it’s a journey, which must be taken, which will be taken, into freedom; into glory; into spiritual expression. It’s positive in its very essence. Yes, there are tests. Yes, there are things we have to do along the way; things we have to learn along the way. We have to become brave. We have to… all the things that are spelt out. But in the end is true glory and wonder.
I think that takes us back to the essence of what he’s saying in The Twelve Blessings that you mention in the beginning about “She has not, as yet, demanded that you change–or leave.” I mean it’s not a punishment at all, as you say, it’s a hope and an inspiration and an aspiration for us for our future.
Yes and it’s saying to us – “She has not, as yet, demanded that you change–or leave” is saying to us: so come on, you’ve still got time. She hasn’t done this yet.
But it’s also saying: she will have to do it.
And so my message would be, to myself and everyone else, is: to seize this moment. We can’t – I know it sounds like a cliche – but we can’t rest on our laurels here. Time will run out. It’s possible that by now in the original scheme of things, had it not been for interventions through The Aetherius Society and possibly other agencies, it would be upon us already through cataclysm as prophesied; through dire catastrophe that might have brought it about already. And of course, the great change could be upon us with the next master coming and heralding this in. And this would be dire for most people, but that hasn’t happened yet and in some ways for most people the longer we’ve got the better because they have that chance of change, but they have to change, and we have to change.
And so it’s really an appeal to action.
And one of the greatest actions that any of us can take is the regular practice of The Twelve Blessings.
This series features international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society for Europe. Learn more about Richard.
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