What is the true meaning of “meditation”?
In The Twelve Blessings the Master Jesus says at the end of the Fourth Blessing:
“…be open to the gentle Power which floweth like a deep river from the Heart of God. It floweth into your Spirit–from there it illuminates the Soul.”
In this week’s video, international bestselling author Richard Lawrence talks about meditation and its true meaning as taught by the great Master of Yoga Dr. George King.
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Meditation, at its height, is the bathing of the soul in the light of the Spirit, and that permeating through the consciousness, through the mind and the heart and filling our whole being.
In its purest sense as taught by Dr. George King – in its most advanced sense – it is the raising of kundalini in its entirety with complete control… to the Christ Centre.
Meditation is a wonderful thing, and it’s a word that has many different meanings to different people. The thing now called “mindfulness”, some people will know about that, which is, I believe very beneficial, so I understand, to a lot of people, including their health – but is a mile away from, say, Samadhi, as described by Sri Patanjali and all the great yogas – of Raja yoga and so forth. So, meditation has taken on many meanings.
In its purest sense as taught by Dr. George King – in its most advanced sense – it is the raising of kundalini in its entirety with complete control over the lower energies, sexual energies, materialistic thoughts, and raising energies in their entirety – Kundalini that is – to the Christ Centre. And that’s a very demanding – the most demanding actually – definition I’ve ever come across of what meditation is. He didn’t make a difference between Samadhi, the highest state of Samadhi, and meditation.
He talked about concentration as the first stage, and concentration not being a forced state by the way, but a state that’s cultivated and developed in a controlled manner to bring total focus. It’s a wonderful… all the great geniuses of history have had powers of concentration. Some, outstanding powers of concentration absolutely, in all fields. Good or bad it has to be said.
The next stage beyond that is the contemplation stage and that’s where you start to tap into the intuition – psychic powers. They should always be used in service, and they can be used in service. And you start to move on, if you like, beyond the purely intellectual stage, you might say, to something deeper.
But that too needs to be controlled. That’s why Dr. King always stressed you have to have concentration first. You don’t stop concentrating when you contemplate. You’re still concentrating or it will become uncontrolled, and I’ve had, I would say, hundreds of people come to me who have a sort of uncontrolled psychic ability of one kind or another. So you do need that concentration.
If you control that, you control contemplation then you start to open the doors to true meditation, which comes through strict control. Advanced decisions in your own life: control of sex, control of basic emotions of all kind. And then you can start to move in to meditation, and I have to say here I haven’t mastered that myself – it’s a very advanced thing – but Dr. King did, and, as I’ve said on other occasions, I think you could count on, I don’t know, one or two hands – I could be wrong here, I’m giving an opinion – the number of people on the physical realm of the Earth who are not ascended, who have absolutely mastered meditation.
These words come straight after the Fourth Blessing. The Master Jesus says this:
“Oh sweet little children, let your minds and hearts be open to the gentle Power which floweth like a deep river from the Heart of God. It floweth into your Spirit–from there it eliminates the Soul. Let it come outwards, into your mind and heart, from the Soul of you. Let it flow gently, in sweet Peace, so that you might be illuminated by this everlasting stream, which is the Love of God for the lower Aspects of God.”
And I think that’s, at its height, a definition of meditation. Meditation, at its height, is the bathing of the soul in the light of the Spirit, and that permeating through the consciousness, through the mind and the heart and filling our whole being.
This series features international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society for Europe. Learn more about Richard.
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