Master of Yoga Dr George King

Shine among men

by Sep 28, 2024

After he gave the Eleventh Blessing, The Master Jesus tells us what happens when we send out our love to The Supreme Lords of Creation:

“Oh My sweet adorable children, send your Love to These Great and Mighty Ones, so that it may be returned to you by the Great Law. So that, when it is returned, freely can you dispense this Wondrous Power to all those around you.

“Oh children, send your Love. SEND YOUR LOVE.

“Oh children, take THAT which is given back unto you and even then give it unto others and it will be recorded by the Hand of Truth, in the Timeless Book of records—that you did this.

“And you will shine among men.

“You will be greater by far than a king.

“Stronger than an emperor, as wise as an oracle, as gentle as a lamb when you do this.

“Oh adorable little children, take these, My Texts—and read them well. Accept them as your Bible—and ACT upon these—and you will be of great service to your brothers.”

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