A very, very important spiritual project
We all face setbacks on our spiritual journey and need some encouragement from time to time. In an address from 1964, Dr. George King said:
“[Man’s] journey from ignorance into wisdom is a very, very important spiritual project. Not only important to the individual, but important to the whole—very important to the whole—and it is beset with numerous difficulties, problems, heartaches, disappointments, and occasionally crowned with a wondrous success.
“You have to be very patient in this journey from ignorance into enlightenment… problems will crop up in your journey. You will many times have setbacks and, also, on the other hand, you will many times have those periods where you seem to virtually rush forward into success after success.”
These are very encouraging words. When we can see the bigger picture and recognize these as bumps in the long road to our enlightenment, they become much easier to work through.