Conscious Gods
In this week’s extract, Dr George King talks about what he calls “one of the most beautifully descriptive phrases in the whole of literature” – “Conscious Gods”.
It is taken from this sentence by the Master Jesus in the Ninth Blessing to The Supreme Lords of Karma:
These Great and Mighty Lords of Karma make it possible for fools like ye and Me to gain that experience which will lead us to the Godhead–as Conscious Gods.
What does it mean that we will become “Conscious Gods”? Conscious of what?
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These Great and Mighty Lords of Karma make it possible for fools like ye and Me to gain that experience which will lead us to the Godhead–as Conscious Gods.
“It’s quite a statement – “as Conscious Gods”. It means that we will be absolutely conscious of all the experiences we have ever undergone and therefore we will know all things when we eventually do arrive back at the Godhead as Conscious Gods.
“We will be creators and destroyers.
“We will be able to have the God-like dream which brings worlds into manifestation, lets them live a hundred billion aeons of time and takes them out of manifestation again.
“Could talk forever about those three words, “as Conscious Gods” and still not say anything about them because it means all that there is to mean.
“It means that’s why we’re here – in order to become conscious of all things so that we return back as Conscious Gods.”
– Master of Yoga Dr George King
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